growing datura seeds?

St Peters Village, PA(Zone 6a)

I've read through a lot of the forum info, but need help: I'm putting them on heat mat, do they need light before they emerge? how deep to put seeds? to soak before seeding or not? Thanks much

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

You can put your questions on one thread. I don't know if I do it right or wrong, but I do cover mine with soil and keep fairly moist, but not wet. I didn't have them under lights or on bottom heat, but they were in a fairly warm greenhouse that could go down to 45 at night.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I am far from even knowledgeable about Daturas but the ones I grew reseeded themselves and were so easy!! So I do not think they are too hard to get going.

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I'm not sure if this is true in all seeds, but have heard the majority.

Most larger seeds need to be covered with soil. And the larger, the deeper. Very tiny seeds, like petunias need light to germinate and are often planted on top of the soil, some people push them down just a little.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I just planted some datura seeds about 2 weeks ago. All of them have sprouted. I just use seed sprouting soil wetted it enough with water and hydrogen peroxide and placed them under a dome cover. The seeds are also on heating mat.
:) Donna

St Peters Village, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all your input, now i can do them today
I got Purple Cornucopia, is it a Metel variety?? Hudson seeds has good listing /lots of info.

Hi Donna in Winnipeg, I'm Donna in PA

What's with the hydrogen peroxide? What ratio?
Last time i tried datura they took forever and germination was poor.
Maybe the seed was old.

karrie, sounds logical about seed size.
kell, lucky you to be in 9b.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Hi, Donna in PA. I have one of those plastic watering containers with the long spout and I always put in one capful of the hydrogen perioxide into the water. It helps so I don't have damp off and it also helps plant roots to get more oxygen.
:) Donna

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I've heard that peroxide serves as a soil conditioner as well. It's in that Brug tea recipe of Gretchen's.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Oh what is Gretchen's Brug tea recipe??
:) Donna

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Hello SpringOaks: I had asked about the same question a while back and put the info to use with success.

What I did was to soak them for 2 days then I put them in a wet paper towel between plastic. After a few days I could see the beginings of very tiny root tips, but the seeds have been sprouting over the course of about a week. Some faster than others. At this point I planted them just below the soil surface and everyone has grown. In my photo yesterday I only had 3 but I now have several more emerging from soil, and I still have more sprouting on the paper towel.

I know this sounds like a lot of work but by checking the paper towel daily I can see which are going to grow or not (the tiny root tips) so I'm not sitting watching a pot/container wondering if that particular seed will ever sprout. Once the seed is planted it's only a matter of one or two days and they're standing up strong.

If you look at the "3 of 3" photo I posted you can see the one that I said I had planted to swallow. It must have been stuck to my finger as I was planting the one I intended on. It's still trying to hold on and I plan to transplant it when it looks a bit stronger. But I planted the seeds only about as deep as the seed is thick.

I hope this helps
Richard T.

St Peters Village, PA(Zone 6a)

Hey Rich,
you caught me before I planted them.
Just now sanitizing the 2 1/2" deep pots and will try your method.
I have done other seeds the same way, morning glories spring to mind.

It's hard to not join in more coops, there's one for hibiscus now which I'm trying hard not to order from.
Thanks again all

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i just put mine on top the soil and i mean barely cover them. i kept the soil moist but not sopping wet. put bottom heat and usually takes about 2-3 weeks to come up.

daturas are slow germinators so you have to give them time. once they come out the soil i put them under grow lights and they do great.

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