Terrazza Planters from Gardeners.com

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Has anyone had any experiences using these? I love the self-watering aspect as well as the good looks. It's the price that is the deal breaker! I am going to use them for herbs, edible flowers and some veg.

Thanks -Kim

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, I guess I am going to be the guinea pig. I ordered them yesterday! I'll let you guys know.


Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Kim, I haven't used the Terrazza planters, but I used several of their self watering planters and deep root planters last year. My plants did so fantastic, that I have ordered several more for this year. You are correct that they are pricy, but I ordered mine a few at time when they were on sale and then had DH buy me some for Christmas!

Here is one in EARLY summer. By mid-summer, the sweet potato vines threatened to cover my porch and we had to move the planter.

I am going to use the deep root ones for brugs this year. Another DGer indicated he had good results using them for brugs.

Thumbnail by nathalyn
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

That is quite the photo. What all do you have plated in there? millet? Sorry, but my favorite part is the "angel" in the doorway:-) By the looks so it lots have to do with gardener - You! I am impressed. I hope mine are half as good! The planters came the other day and are still in their boxes waiting for the snow to pass through this weekend.


Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Kim, I had Purple Majesty Millet and 2 kinds of sweet potato (Blackie and Marguerite). I ended up with foot long seed pots on the millet. Even my Millet planted in the ground didn't do as well as what I had planted in this container.

Yes, I love my brugs - - and am hoping they do well in these pots.

Thumbnail by nathalyn
Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

No, the kittycat angel LOL. I noticed the millet was an AAS winner. I am trying to think where I would put it. Your pic looks like the package! Cool ornamental - did you eat any millet?

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL - - doesn't my kitty look a little scary with those eyes!!! Duh, I suppose I have angel trumpets on the brain.

Kim, this millet is super easy to grow (just like grass!). While the seed is expensive, plants are really pricy. I didn't eat it, but lots of finches did at the end of the summer. I saved some seed though- - have heard that it reverts back to green, while others say that the seed produces the purple millet. Am going to try a bit to see for myself.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

They work! Look what I grew not minutes after I put it together. They are really simple to assemble - even *I* did it x8! Now for the soil.

Thumbnail by bluekat76
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Kim, that photo of the Chili Cat in your new planter is tooo cute! She knows you made that new box just for her..... :-)

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

A word about the self-watering planters. I bought several last year, and just ordered another. I LOVE these pots! They're wonderful at keeping things watered (that is, when I remember to fill the reservoir LOL). If I had more room on my 20 x 5 foot balcony I'd buy more. The one I used for morning glories last year (photo) I'm using as a balcony rail planter this year. They also sell the only brackets I could find to attach it to my balcony railing which has wierd dimensions. I've got it full of pansies, snapdragons and sweet alyssum right now, and it's a bright spot in the "first day of spring" garden (yay!).

I bought the cobalt blue Provence pot and filled it with parsley, feverfew, and chives. It was beautiful all summer, and the feverfew and parsley are coming up now.

Did I say I LOVE these pots?? LOL

Thumbnail by revclaus
Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow, Revclaus - I'm still recovering from the view. You have a beautiful balcony!

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Doesn't she!?!? You are right Revclaus I am liking these pots too! They are are filled with my potting mix, some Osmocote and Watersorb crystals as extra protection. I left them out of one container that will have Rosemary since they don't like wet feet.

I am the rarely seen lazy gardener so I will keep everyone updated. Right now I have peas, lettuce, spinach and herbs growing in the boxes.


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