pepper plants an unusual method to fertilize new plants

Kissimmee, FL

Rip the paper matches off the book and place in the bottom of the hole. spread a litle dirt in the whole and then shells from two eggs crushed. place in pepper plant and then after dirt add a little epsom salt around the plant and water in or add epsom salt to the water and water in.

THis helps the plants a bunch sulfur calcium and manganesium or however you spell it.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Actually Bev, The matches add phosporus, the eggshells calcium and the Epsom salts magnesium. That sulphur and matches story started back in the days of "Lucifers" the old strike any where matches which contained sulphur. Match books are safety matches. It works but there are lots of simpler ways to add these nurtrients. Example rock phosphate , and dolomitic limestone.

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