Thermostats, automatic air openers, heaters, etc...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thermostats: Is it worthwhile to get one that shows the temp inside and outside of the greenhouse? Also, what about the ones that have an 'alarm' type thing or readout for inside your house that lets you know when temps are too high or too low? What brands do you guys like and where do you get them?

I have the automatic openers on the roof windows in my new greenhouse. Apparently I set them to open at a certain temp. Do I get the thermostat first and adjust them next? The directions for these left a lot to be desired. They are both installed and one seems to open all the time and the other hasn't moved yet.

My greenhouse is only 8x12. It seems to be closed up fairly well, or will be when I finish with the insulation stuff I just bought. How much of a heater do I really need? It looks like the ones that run on propane are pretty darn expensive-well, the propane is! I was about to spend $30-40 on a big double work light thing that holds 2-500 watt bulbs but am wondering if they will do any good in the winter?

It is staying pretty warm in my little greenhouse, even with the little bit of sun we have been getting. I'm not saying it is toasty warm, but the polycarb panels are getting lots of condensation and it is much warmer inside than outside.

I hope you guys can help me with some suggestions that are hopefully not ridiculously expensive.


Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Hey Michele. I, too, would like some info on thermostats. I would like one that tells me the temp while I am in the house. Right now I have a small thermostat that reads temp and humidity. Seems to work alright. I use a small cheapy electric heater from Walmart ($15) and that seems to do just fine. I turn it on when it gets dark and turn it off first thing in the morning. The temps around here are in the upper teens and lower 20s at night and 40s during the day. My greenhouse at night ranges from around 50-70 degrees. I can tell you that it does get pretty warm in there during the day without any heat at all. I have gone out in late morning on a couple of occasions, and yes, it was like an oven in there with the heater on (110 degrees). So now I make sure that I am out there first thing in the morning to turn that puppy off so I don't fry my beloved seedlings. Lucky you having automatic openers!!! I know this does not answer any of your questions but I just wanted to talk.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Cindy,

Nice to see you! How are things with your new greenhouse? Do you have much in it yet? I am sitting here feeding the baby so I am getting absolutely NOTHING done. LOL Maybe this is God's way of telling me to take a break. :) My stomach muscles ached and my hands are like sandpaper and every single one of my nails are gone! My greenhouse is complete with the exception of the rubber that runs between the panels and frame. I opted to buy a chainsaw and start cleaning up around it as opposed to doing that. One of my girls went to her friend's and one of my other girls has a friend over. I NEVER get a break. hehehe

My SIL said the Lowe's she went to had heaters on sale when she was there. Of course they do! I didn't have time to look when I went a few hours ago because I had to get to the grocery and hurry home. One kid was being dropped off and another was being picked up. LOL Maybe we will both get some good info on equipment for the greenhouses. :)

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Michele. You make my head spin.LOL. You are one busy little beaver. I would have to take oxygen to accomplish half of what you do. I admire you tremendously. I have my GH packed with stuff including a potting bench that I really like (but it takes a lot of room in my tiny GH). Yours is twice as big as mine (green with envy). Here is a picture about 2 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by cmalon
Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Here is picture of the inside about 2 weeks ago.

Thumbnail by cmalon
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

thats nice-im jealous of you both cuz i cant even use mine yet!!!!!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

You can get the remotes at any good hardware store, not a big box. We bought one at Ture Value.
The first ones we got from a company in SD.
Run a serch on Google, that should bring up something.
These have saved are plants many times. The monitor is right by my bed!

Edited to add;
Found a deal on
Only $24.95 for everthing you need.

This message was edited Feb 26, 2005 9:36 PM

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Bad first of all I am betting that the vent in your gh is supposed to be automatic meaning you need no thermostate to add on to it to make it work. Those automatic vents usualy use a spring and a special wax inside a cylinder any way the wax melts around 65 to 75 deegrees and the vent opens as it cools off the spring retracts and the wax sets up holding the vent shut. I think there is an adjustment on them to operate in that range look at them if so where is one set against the other. If one opens and operates the other should to.

Thermostats control things and thermometers read temprature I use a radio shack thermometer that reads gh temp and humidity it has an alarm and if I was smart enough to set it I might send me one of your kids they can prolly do it in their sleep. Any way cost about thirty bucks and has big numbers so codgers can see without glasses.

I am a big believer in having a heat source controlled by a thermostat because you can set it to 40 degrees and it wont run untill it needs to unlike most small propane heaters. They have thermostats that you plug a device into and and no electrican is needed. a 1500 watt milkhouse heater is probably big enough but I am only guessing. Arow of black milk jugs filled with water will help to or a couple of black 50 gallon drums filled with water can have a top set on them and plants can sit on top. Lots of ways to skin this cat you are the boss lol.

A pic from inside my gh see the light it travels back and forth nine feet each way on a little motor driven trolley. This planting never got out of my gh this year I ran out of places to put any more. Enjoy your gh happy for you. Ernie

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

this pic had jet lag lol

Thumbnail by eweed
Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Michele. Here is a pic from my GH as of today. As you see, the houseplants have taken to being second string to the new little babies all over. Is it spring yet? I think I want to get one of those thermometers that tell me the temp while I am in the house. Post the pics when you get some stuff in GH.

Thumbnail by cmalon
Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Good morning, Michelle!

My GH is a 10X10 polycarbonate, so I would assume that what works for me will work for you.

I have a themometer/hygrometer (heat/humidity) that I got at Dollar General or Walmart for less than $10. It is mounted in an out of the way place where the sun doesn't directly shine on it.

My heat source is an electric heater from WalMart that has a "frost watch" setting. I set it just a tiny bit above the frost watch, and the GH seems to stay at about 40. ( I"ve not been out to check the temps in the middle of the night, but we have had some pretty cold ones, and everything in the GH is just fine.) I haven't heard about the electric bill, either, so I assume that it isn't costing too much to keep my GH warm.

I wish I had the auto vent openers, (drool,drool. lol) My DH is my vent opener when I'm gone to work. I've had a few close calls when he forgot to open it up!
It's so exciting to see you getting all set up. You go, girl!!

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Hello skyeblu. I like the sound of your heater with that "frost watch" setting. Was it very expensive? My electric heater has only a low, medium, high setting. I accidently put it on low one night, and it got down to around 36 in there. So now I just leave it on high and it stays around 50 in there at night. Have you had your GH very long? This is all new to me, and I am wondering about next winter. Did you have your GH all through this winter and used your electric heater? I am curious about the electric bill. I just got my GH about a month ago and have not received an electric bill yet so I don't know if it is costing too much or not. I am hoping not. My meter does not seem to be flying around any more than usual. I know what you mean about getting out there during the day to open the vents. I forgot to do it one day and it got up to 110 degrees (sheesh). I will not forget again or I will have toasted seedlings. I am envious of Michele also for her having those automatic openers.

Where is Stockton? I live about 30 miles from St. Louis in Illinois. We have the same weather eventhough the map says I am in zone 6a.
Sorry Michele, I stole you thread....LOL I will shutup now!!!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow you guys have been BUSY on here! I took a couple of days off to finish up some seed trades, start some seeds and reflect on life. Okay, I am sick and so are a few of the little ones. It never ends!

I'm running through and reading but want to really READ it all. I am very thankful for those of you that took the time to write!! I'll be back soon.

Okay Cindy, you can talk more now. LOL Just jivin'. I mean you can talk but you didn't steal the thread. LOL

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Hope you and the little tikes feel better soon....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, I'll be popping in and out while I read.

I bought the openers through the Rion distributor when I had the distributor price sheet. I think they are $22 on there but I won't swear. You can buy them from anyone that sells Rion. They are the typical ones with oil or whatever that open by themselves when the greenhouse hits a certain temp. The problem I am having is setting them. They have a knob on a screw and you can adjust cooler or warmer but not to a certain temp degree. I thought maybe I need the thermostat FIRST to adjust them to open and close when the GH hits the right temp. Did I say that right??

I adjusted the one that kept opening and it has not opened since it cooled off. I also adjusted the second one and it DID open when it warmed up.

Bernie, is that link for the remote? I found all sorts of cool stuff on there. LOL I hear cash registers already!

Cindy, did you already tell me what you have on the floor of your greenhouse? It looks very nice!

Ernie, I want those plants!! And you have a travelling light??

You know, If I didn't feel like Ka ka, I would run to Lowe's or somewhere right now. Had I gone to work today, I probably could have gotten a heater there. It should be about time for us to mark them down. We have had bathing suits since January. LOL Try to find a coat and gloves now while it is snowing!!!

Skyblue, thank you for that info! There IS a Dollar General a few blocks from here. I think I will call and see if they sell the thermo/hygro thing. I could throw a sweatshirt on and run up there without a face full of make up! Hey, ode to the sportsbra and sweats. :) What is your frame? I remember when we talked about it last year. Is yours aluminum?

I love the idea of the frostwatch or at least a minimum/maximum temperature thing so it could turn itself on and off.

You guys have been very helpful. I sowed a plug tray (512 hole) with things that germ at cooler temps. I am eager to get the seed mess out of my house.

Now somebody tell me the secret to filling plug trays evenly but QUICKLY! LOL

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Michele. I got this thermometer at HOme depot today. It is great. It does have an alarm for too high and too low temps. It is so cool to be able to sit in the house and know what the temp is out there. I will be checking in the middle of the night as it is going to be in the teens -keeping fingers crossed the little cheapy heater keeps pluggin away. I would like to know more about the heater that has the frostwatch. Skyeblu if you read this, what brand is the heater. My heater is either on or off. Here is a pic of my thermometer -other sensor is in greenhouse. See it is 50 degrees in there and about 24 outside. I have it set to alarm me if it gets to 33 -I hope not.... forgot to tell you that greenhouse floor has a layer of old tar paper and then covered with pea gravel.

This message was edited Mar 1, 2005 10:30 PM

Thumbnail by cmalon
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, we are headed to Lowe's! I'll let you guys know what I end up with when I get back. LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Alrighty, I am back and don't know if I got what I wanted or not. I am not even sure if I paid too much. LOL Here's what the box says:

Flat Panel Micathermic Heater
heats instantly-1 minute to max heating power, up to 1500 watts
economic energy saving function-when room reaches desired temp, power reduces by 1/3
adjustable thermostat
anit freeze setting-automatically comes on if room drops below 41
overheat safety protection-turns off it it overheats

I paid $79. Will this be good for the winter? Do you think running it will kill me financially? LOL

For now, I just picked up a cheap thermometer with a humidity gauge on it. They had the ones with the inside and outside temps, some had remotes and some checked humidity, but none had any kind of alarm. Many did have clocks and alarm clocks. Is that so I go in and take care of my kids after an alloted time? chuckle Price range on those was $15-99.

This message was edited Mar 2, 2005 2:59 PM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, somebody come talk to me. LOL

I looked at a chart somewhere and you plug in the numbers and it tells you what size heater, how many BTU output you need. For seed starting (keeping the temp 65ish), it says I need 12,250 BTU. Elsewhere I read that running a different heater at 1500 watts, outputs only 5,200 BTU. Should I make the assumption that is what mine is?

I am going back to look at that chart again. Where is everyone?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I just pulled in from work, yeah, I work now & then.
The best thing you can do is turn the heater on & keep track of the temps for a while. Then you can figure out where to set it to get the temp you want.
We built a germination chamber in our basement, 4' X 4' X 7' high. We have a real cheap electric heater in there. It holds + or - 1º of what we want.
It has it's own themostat.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

WORK?? Ewwww! Hey, if it is a labor of love, that would be okay. :) Nice to see ya. Now, go put your feet up and rest a few!

I just went out there and looked and the thermostat is around 35 with no heat at all, just the doors and windows closed.

I took a pic of my heater box, but I am not sure it is going to stay warm enough if I want to overwinter with it.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone!
I tried to answer you from work yesterday, had a nice log letter and was jusy editing, when the darn computer just threw me out. I hate it when that happens!

Cindy, Stockton is about an hour north of Springfield, right at the north tip of Stockton Lake. The zone maps do say that I'm zone 6a, but we live on the top of a ridge, and our temps seem to be a bit warmer that the surrounding area.

The heater I got from Walmart, don't remember the brand, I just told the associate what I needed the heater for, and she led me to it. I do know that I paid some where between $20 and $30 for it. I don't know how the electricity usage is, cause I didn't start using my GH 'till the first of February, but if it pushed the bill way up, I know I'll hear about it. Lol.

Michelle, yes, my frame is aluminum. I was looking at the automatic vent opener in Mellingers catalogue, and they want almost $75 for it. if I can get one for $22 or so, I'd love it. I'll have to check Rion.

We had a 19 degree night, and everything was just fine, so I guess my litle heater is doing the trick.

I'm at work so gotta run. Everyone have a great day!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Don't you hate when your post gets eaten by the cyber monster???

I found this little calculator for figuring heating needs. I figure some/most of you have seen it but if it helps anyone, worth it. :)

Himrod, NY(Zone 6a)

My needs are 18,277 btu per the site you posted Michele. So now I am really clueless. I am not even sure if we would heat through November with the weather we have had the last couple of years. My wish would be to close it January and February, after I get the holiday stuff in the house put away.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9a)

Michele, just a suggestion, but I think a heater that blows hot air will work better. I have a ceramic Holmes heater that oscillates and blows out hot air and it works great.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Awanda. It's nice to hear from you again. You are also right. It was down to like 23 or 26 outside last night and after that heater ran all night, it was only 50 in the GH this morning. I really do not think that is awful but probably not so effective. I called the store manager today and am going to go pick up a gas model as was suggested by horseshoe. They have no problem taking the electric model back since it won't do the job. The lack of a blower on the one I bought was very obvious. You could only feel the warmth when standing right next to the heater.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I went to Lowe's and read the box for the propane heater. It should only be run with a 100 pound tank. I also talked to two local companies about having a 100 pound tank installed. I really cannot believe the differences! One would put the tank in and fill it and all that stuff for $379 and after the first year the tank would cost me $30 a year. The second company would do all the same stuff for $207. The first company charged $2.56 a gallon for the propane while the second company only charged $1.39. The second company did not charge a tank rental so long as you used at least a half a tank per year. I decided to put all that off until fall and decide then if I want to overwinter in my GH.

Now for the good news. I held my guns and ran to Target where I get a 10% discount. I found the same wattage heater I had on clearance 50% off. It's a Black and Decker with the frost watch, temperature setting, oscillating and even comes with a remote so I can do it from inside. Yippee! And if that isn't good enough, I also found the thermometer/hygrometer with the remote you can keep in the house that tells me the temp and the humidity. Now if I would have just noticed I needed two watch batteries for it. LOL I got the heater for $18 and the thermometer for $26. I can live with that. I also grabbed to big thick nice door mats for $5 a piece. What a day!

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Michele. What's the name of the heater. I want to get one with a remote!!!! I am going to Target tomorrow, so let me know (if you read this)LOL. Sounds like you had a fun day :)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Cindy. I will have to look and see if it has any specific name or number. I have a baby on top of me at the moment. LOL The normal price on it was $39.99 and the discount price is $19.98. If you want to get it at Target, I'll give you the DPCI and any employee there should be able to find it for you. Or you can check stock yourself by hitting the numbers in those self scanners. I'll be back shortly.

By the way, I set the heater on frost watch. I have no idea if it has come one since I tested it but it's 70 in the greenhouse. Hehehe I like this technology stuff. I have no idea what the temp is outside. It was 44 a couple of hours ago.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I didn't forget ya! The box says Black and Decker Digital Heater Fan. The DPCI is 085 19 0016. Don't waste any time. Clearance goes fast at the place. LOL Employees like me buy it up!

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

I am off to Target' (when they open of course). LOL. Thanks Michele....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Good luck!!

It stayed 67 in mine all night. I can live with that.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Bad 67 is going to cost you a ton to maintain I keep mine above forty for holding things over. My seeds are started in a stand with heat mats for bottom heat and the flourscent lighs keep the air around 60. When I put my new heater just for giggles I upped the temp to 55 during a Northeaster and when we got the bill I saw the difference lol. Ernie

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Good reading. Cindy you filled your gh very fast with lots of cups of seeds. Good luck with the germination and transplanting. In just a few minutes I am going out to my gh and start transplanting, even tho I have everything at what i think is correct height gets me in the back at my shoulder blades. So can only do it for an hour or two.

Remember everyone you should have a small fan running 24-7 to keep some air circulating. To help prevent damping off etc.

I try to keep my gh at 50 to 55 degrees. I do have an automatic ventilator above my door, that I can set anywhere from 75 to 100 degrees to open. Then catacorner near floor level is a louver vent, that I keep propped open most of the time when the weather warms. I do not keep anything in the greenhouse after frost season is over. DonnaS

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

67, that's almost 70, pretty warm for night time temps. More than they'd get in spring sowing outdoors. When do temps get to be 70 [67] at night in your neck of the country?

Worden, IL(Zone 6a)

Michele, I am back. I bought the last one they had. Good price. I need some input from you. What exactly do you have your settings on? I do not understand the directions. I pushed the comfort button and then set the thing to frost watch, is that right? Since it is already around 75 in there I cannot test anything other than to see that it does work. You basically have to just have the frost watch on right? OOOHHH I am so confused!!!!

Thanks for tip about a fan rutholive - I did not know that. To be completely honest and show how stupid I am, I do not know what damping off means either....


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I lied! I was wrong! I am so ashamed!!! My thermometer thing fritzed!! I'm in the house all snug and warm and according to my indoor remote, it was 67 outside. I went out to take trays of seeds out earlier and there was no temp on the outdoor unit at all! According to my heater, it was 50 in the GH. I can still live with that but some of my seeds may not be so happy. LOL It's alright. I am going to consider this the learning curve. :)

Cindy, okay, the temperature range for that thing is only 65-95 F. Other than that, you have frost watch which kicks it on within 4 degrees of the temp. If your GH gets to 44 F, it will kick on. To set the temp, you have to push the comfort button then use the up and down arrows to set it. You pick the temp you want it to be. I am only setting mine at frost for now. The fluctuating temps are fine and it is getting up in the 60s in there during the day anyway.

You set the blower mower by the number of times you push the button with the squiggly lines. One time for low, 2 for med, 3 for high and 4 is fan only.

You really have to start at the beginning of the instructions and read each step. It's not so bad. LOL

Damping off is a nice little bacteria thing. One day you have pretty seedlings, the next day it looks like someone pinched them at the dirt and they just wither up and fall over. A low breeze helps to make your plants sturdier and discourages the top of the soil from sitting moist. The most important things you need to remember are clean soil free seed mix, clean utensils and tools, clean hands, proper moisture levels and air circulation.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Okay, I am back with more realistic numbers. Apparently that high tech thermo/hygro I bought has some quirks. I can't keep the remote reading what the outside base says. I am wondering if someone near me has one as well. I have tried the different settings. It starts out fine, then goes haywire.

I left the heater on all night, set for 65 degrees. That is the lowest I can set it on besides the frost watch. When I went out today, my little cheap thermometer said 58 and the one on the heater said 57.4. I turned the heater off when I went out. I did definately learn this heater won't be enough for the winter, which I pretty much knew. But, I also got realistic and confirmed numbers.

Would I be better of to keep it at the frost setting or keep it higher so it stay around 55 on the coldest nights? I am trying to keep it warmer while I am starting seeds.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well it's 85 out there today and both of my openers worked! I left the doors open while I was putting on the weather stripping and it cooled off enough for them to close. I am happy to know they work and I'll get them set properly when I figure them out. LOL At least I know they opened before it hit 80.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We are using a oil filled radiator type heater in the greenhouse on the front porch.
It wintered thru fine.
The low hit 40 during the coldest snap.
This is set at a middle temp setting.
It generally stays about 55 at night and the sun does the bulk of the day work.
I'd keep those vents closed for now.
It looks like at least 2 more weeks of below freezing nights.
Any heat gained during the day is that much less needed at night. lol


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