Heirloom watermelons

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Once in awhile I get a request for heirlom watermelon cultivars. At the moment there is no way to search for them in the Plantfiles so I took the liberty of compiling a list from the 700 + cultivars in the Plantfiles.
Ali Baba, Astrakhanski, Blacktail Mountain, Chelsea, Cooter's Black, C. S. White Flesh, Chilean Black Seeded, Daisy, Melitopolski, Moon and Stars, Moon and Stars Long, Moon and Stars yellow flesh, Osh Kirgizia, Petite Yellow, Small Shining Light, Sweet Siberian, Uncle E, and White Wonder.

Note that Moon and Stars turns up in multiple strains with even more stories of its origens. It is apparently a version of the old timer from Henderson" Sun Moon and Stars".

I don't grow any of them.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Poor old M&S...got as many stories as the Brandywine Tomato...all of which are suspect too.

I've grown the regular M&S and it's an ok Watermelon.....nothing breathtaking, but ok. Made an interesting conversation piece, but if I were doing the Market Gardening thing, I'd have a field full. I could name my price and sell a truckload every weekend.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Really? I plan to sell, but was told by a few that they didn't taste that great. Since I grow for flavor, I choose the Early Moonbeam, but haven't ordered it yet (not an heirloom) I have some moon and stars, so maybe I should plant a few of those. I have already started some watermelons indoors, and canteloupe, and didn't get any heirlooms.

Farmerdill~Thanks for the list! Your work makes life so much easier for all the other DGers and wannabes :-)


Dexter, NY(Zone 5a)

Anyone grow Blacktail Mountain? I ordered some seed and hope I made the right choice with it. We have a fairly short growing season. Should i start them indoors for a couple of weeks or just plant them out on last frost date.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I would like the answer to that as well. I have some seed from SESE, and would like to get started ASAP. Forgot I even had them, and forgot they were heirloom, left over from last year. Me thinks looking for info in the Plants Database is needed...

Oh MY! It's not in there. If I grow some, and a plant produces well, I will add it.

This message was edited Apr 17, 2005 7:05 PM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Blacktail Mountain is a short season melon created by Glenn Drowns of Sandhill Preservation. I have seen several testimonials on other Newsgroups that were very positive. I have not heard any negatives.

Glenn's description; "Blacktail Mountain- 76 days- My own development, created while I lived in northern Idaho, a location which has cool 35 to 45 degree nights and short seasons. The fruit is dark green with very faint stripes, flesh is an orange red similar to Sugar Baby. Continuously, it is my earliest type in over 100 varieties grown each season. Fruit averages 6 to 10 pounds."

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thank you FarmerDill!

Pleasant Grove, UT(Zone 6b)

Where can I get seed aside from SESE... I should join but have not yet...


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

All of these are available from Commercial sources. Blacktail Mountain and most of the others are available from Sandhill Preservation.

Blacktail Mountain and several others are also available from Baker Creek.

Baker Creek has much faster shipping time this time of year.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Drew~ I should have typed it out SESE is Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, there is no memebership fee.

Here it is:

Dexter, NY(Zone 5a)

I tried ordering Blacktail Mountain from Seed Savers, but they were out (it must be very popular), I ordered next from Baker Creek and hope to receive them soon. Was not going to put in any watermellon but at the last minute decided to give it a try.

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