Mimosa Pudicatips? Please....

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

I recently bought this mimosa, and it waffles between trying to grow nicely, and going all puny all me. I DO know that these are considered "trash" trees because of their difficult, messy nature. I must succeed with this guy as a houseplant, simply for sentimental reasons. =)

Any tips/help, offerings of knowledge??

=) MKJ

Thumbnail by mkjones
Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Do you have a sunny porch? I think it wants to be outside. :~

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Mimosa pudica really is a houseplant, not a tree. It's known as "sensitive plant" because it folds its leaves when touched. The weedy tree you're probably thinking of is Albizia julibrissin, also known as hardy mimosa. It also folds its leaves, but only in response to darkness.
Guy S.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Guy S.! Those little leaves DO close, even when I desperately try not to touch them! So, what do I do to help him limp along to healthiness?? I would appreciate your tips........


Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Kachina nailed it -- sun, and more sun -- plus don't let it get soggy. Set it outdoors whenever the temps are above 60 or so, which should be pretty often down there in TX. And don't worry about the leaves closing. It's a natural response probably evolved to deter insects from feeding -- they will unfold again in a minute or so.

Also, expect any leaves that developed under shady contitions to fall be the wayside when you move it into the sun, and don't panic about that. It will grow healthy new "sun" leaves from then on.

Guy S.

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