Maple, ON


Recipe: Gel Air Freshener
2 cups of distilled water
Essential oil/fragrance of your choice.
4 packages of knox gelatin
Food coloring (optional)

Heat 1 cup of water almost to a boil. Add the gelatin and stir until
dissolved. Remove from heat add another cup of distilled water, 10-20
drops of oil/fragrance, and food coloring if desired.

You can replace food coloring and oil/fragrance with premade liquid
potpourri (available at most craft stores, candle shops, etc.). The
procedure would be the same. Heat 1 cup of the liquid potpourri, almost to
a boil. Stir in 4 packets of Knox gelatin, until dissolved. Then stir in 1
cup cool liquid potpourri.

Pour the mixture into clean baby food jars and set at room temperature
overnight until set. You can place the jars in the refrigerator if you
need them to set more quickly, but be aware that the smell will permeate
the fridge.

For gift giving, you can decorate the baby food jars by wrapping with
material, or glueing on wallpaper, stickers, wrapping paper, etc.

To use, place the jar on the stovetop (not directly on the burner!)
while cooking, heat in a potpourri burner, or simply set out on a table
and enjoy the aroma.

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