
Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Hello there,
I am a newbie here. :)
I am thinking about growing orach (burgandy type) as an ornamental, and possibly to eat.
Anyone have experience growing this?
Thanks in advance for any info!

Hermosa Beach, CA

I don't have experience growing it, but I know I'd like to grow some also and mainly as an edible. I know that orach is also called mountain spinach and the good thing (since it's a cousin of regular spinach, and so is new-zeland spinach) is that it can stand heat so you can easily grow some in the summer, unlike spinach.


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Jennifer ~ Thanks for the info, I think I'll give it a try. That is great to know about the heat tolerance. I grew spinach before ( I don't remember the variety) , but it bolted too fast and lost taste as we warmed up very quickly that year.
Thanks, and good luck w/ the Orach!

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