Rare/ unusual seeds for conoisseurs/amateurs

Hermosa Beach, CA

I'd like to trade the followings for interesting veggies/ plants/ herbs:
-Saltwort/ Salicornia/ Salsola soda
-Strawberry spinach/ beetberry
-Thai pink egg tomato
More details about those items under my trading list :).

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I have some seed of a Texas native hot pepper. It's very small, very hot (hotter than habanero) and it's a perennial in the lower part of Zone 8b. Interested? I would like seeds of the Thai pink egg tomato.


Hermosa Beach, CA

I'm not into hot peppers...sorry

Victorville, CA

There is a Seed Trading forum :~) You might have better luck posting there.

Hermosa Beach, CA

I always put stuff to trade under "seed trading" first and then under whatever forum it might be related to.

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