clematis armandii

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Does anyone here grow this plant? I bought an armandii (apple blossom) a few days ago and would like to know how well they stand up to the cold. The tag says they are evergreen, but do they get any cold or frost damage?

Mesilla Park, NM

I have a five gallon pot of it, left it outside all year on the side of a South wall. It lost most of the leaves and the ones left did turn brown, this past month it has grown lots of new branches. So it will survive outside with protection. Zone 8/9 here (very few frost nights). All of my passionvines were left outside and all have made it but they have been next to the walls of the house and used alot of bark/mulch around the pots on the ones that were out in the open, completely covering the pots. If your ground does not freeze, it probably would be alright. Hope to hear from others here, this is the first year with mine too.

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

Our ground doesn't freeze here. If it ever did i'd move and move fast,winters for the most part are rather mild here with frosts and every now and again we may get a flurry of snow but that doesn't happen often.

This clematis has been overwintered in a gh by the place I bought it from so i'll leave it in mine until chacnes of frost are over.

Boulder Creek, CA(Zone 9a)

Here in Z9 it has done well. The first year it struggled. Lost a lot of leaves, but this is year 3 and look at it! (Picture taken today.) I did nothing to protect it. In year one it may have needed more water than it got.

Our lowest freezes are high 20s, maybe 25 for a few hours on the worst night! (Redwood forest!)

Thumbnail by srkrause
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Clematis armandii grows very well and is evergreen in zones 8 - 10. It prefers to be grown in full sun, but tolerates partial shade in rich organic soil and spreads about 15ft.

This extremely vigorous vine from China adds a touch of elegance to every entrance way. Long dark-green leaves droop to create an architectural statement.

Glossy white 1" flowers are produced in clusters in March and April/ and fill the air with the first smells of Spring Jasmine.

Prune heavily established plants to keep at eye level.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I have one that is easily 40 ft long and 20 ft tall growing along our noth facing fence line and into the trees.
Here is a link to the thread I started as mine began it's spectacular Spring time bloom.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I can tell ya that it died in a zone 7 winter in TN when I lived there. I had one in a BIG pot that my friend Ruby gave to me and I killed it.

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

The appleblossom one I recently bought has been housed in a gh. I also bought the white variety this week. It has been grown outside at a local nursery here and has been exposed to temps in the low 20's so I think it will do okay here for me.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Suzie, I have mine planted in the ground and it's made it so far from last summer. We've had tempersatures of 13 degrees some nights. I sure hope it doesn't die. LOL

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