Clematis Asao.....rescued plants blooming today!!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

What a pleasant surprise to find these Clematis I rescued blooming away. I gave them little hope of surviving but had to try and just look what they have done in return.

They are on a porch enclosed with poly.


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

How pretty! They are so appreciative that they are giving you flowers before they even leaf out it looks like. :~)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

how nice Judy, they are so pretty. What are the other buds that are going to open soon? I don't have clematis here so are they the same or a different plant entirely?

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

It's 3 small pots of the same Clematis, they are all going to bloom, there are no leaves. (????) The tag says:

"Compact grower with deep pink flowers that bloom in late spring to early summer. Foliage is an attractive bronze color in late spring. Great in containers"


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

oops... there are a few small leaves on the plant that has open blooms.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Well heck, it has all summer to grow leaves, I would take the flowers first any day! LOL

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

AWESOME, Judy! Good for you! =) What a beaut.......


Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Thats Gorgeous!! Thats one of the clematis on my list of wants, so if you figure out how to do cuttings, please??

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

MSJen - no need for cuttings, I'll send you a pot. The poor things have been through so much..... I would hate to take all the soil off so I could just knock off all that was loose, and go the 1/8 of a mile which would put me in MS to mail it and not be against the law to mail with soil, because then it would be within the state???? What do you think. Let me know.


Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

i emailed you judy : )

Santiago, Chile(Zone 9b)

Congratulations, Judy! That's a wonderful reward for your compassionate heart.

I missed the beginning of the story, how were they saved, were they on the garbage heap at Wal-Mart?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

What a beautiful flowering Clematis! I love this Japanese variety! I would plant them in your garden in the Springtime, so that they can put forth a lot of vines and reward you with even more lovely flowers.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Garbage heap at Lowe's. I asked if I could have the pots.

Wow you got the pots and the unexpected flowers too! Fantastic!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

After our first hard freeze, I was at Lowe's and these pots were in the trash. They had broken the stems to see if they were alive and believe me they weren't. When I brought them home, I just sit them in a bucket of soil scraps I was planning on tossing in the compost pile, it rained, I didn't get around to doing anything with the bucket for a few days, then I saw a tiny piece of green. I then repotted the roots, not knowing if it would do any good, but the roots felt solid. The above is what I got for my effort. .

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

They are beautiful, Judy. What a nice surprise for you. It's always so rewarding to see a plant come back that we didn't think would make it.

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