Wallpaper Removal Mess!

Florence, MA(Zone 5a)

Wow, do I need help with this! I've wallpapered before, but never really had to remove wallpaper (not vinyl). I went to the hardware store & the guy recommended a kit. I scored the wall with the little roller tool, put on the goop to loosen the paper, and started scraping. Big mess. According to the kit directions the paper was suppose to come off in sheets - not! I spent about 8 hours today scraping and scraping - and I've not really made much progress. It will take me a year at this rate to finish the room! The top layer of paper is off, but the underneath stuff is just stubbornly sticking to the wall, and when I try to put a little pressure on it the scraper takes the top right off the wallboard underneath rather than down to the paintprimer layer.

So my question is - since I have the first layer of paper off could I just wait until the wall dries, sand it down, prime it and paint? Can I leave this layer of subpaper on the walls? Now I understand why so many people just paint right over the paper instead of removing it!

Please help me if you can...

Alice S.

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