Depressing email

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I have filled in my contact sheets and sent them off to the college to ask for my pay. Stingy college won't pay me till beginning of April. Next week's work won't be paid till May!!

It's peanuts. Most of my learners just aren't committed to learning -some of them are scared stiff of computers and become frightened when things go wrong. I only have 15 learners at the moment, and the college didn't give me any more the last 2 weeks so my income dropped again.

This isn't going to pay very much of my household bills. And there's NO guarantee that it will lead to better work. All the info that I'm gathering suggests quite the opposite.

We have a tutor's forum for the online tutors. Yesterday one of the tutors posted an enquiry about pay and conditions. One of the tutors who answered him said that she had only had 50 hours work, or less, in a whole year. I'm coming to the conclusion that this job is only suitable for retired teachers who are collecting a pension, and married women with husbands to support them. Not people like myself, who need a living wage for a good number of years more.

I emailed another tutor. She enjoys the job - but in her reply makes it clear that she doesn't depend on it for income.

"I would say only do this job as extra income and NOT as a main income or else you will be in debt. I do it cos I like the work and not dependant on the money ( at the moment)"

I'm going to have to seriously put my thinking cap on.

Depressed of Middlesbrough

MIddletown, OH(Zone 6a)

Maybe this problem will steer you into another direction of oppportunity. Some things are meant to be.

It's easier to find work if you are in work and at least it is something rather than nothing.

If you are working under 16 hours per week or over 30 you may be entitled to extra help.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I don't get any help at all Baa. Aren't these things means-tested? I'm certainly working under 16 hours.

They are but the legislation changes all the time so if you were told no a couple of years ago, it might be a yes today, it's worth checking up just in case. Millions of £ go unclaimed every year because of it.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Sorry to hear that Northener..wish I could help you but I don't nothing about how this works in UK.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm up against ageism Saya. It isn't illegal yet. If you happen to be in your 50s and unfortunate enough to be seeking employment, the odds are stacked against you. The money I will get (eventually) won't even cover my food costs let alone my heating, lighting, council tax etc. We're treated like dirt. In a so-called civilised country this is shameful.
I'm obviously going to have to find a second job.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

This is bad news. You are so talented in your writings about your jaunts. You can make the readers see all the things you see through your wonderful descriptions. You really have a way with words. Then too, you are very good in entertaining children with your puppets and stories. There just has to be a place for you somewhere. Maybe things may turn around with spring coming. Hang in there.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris. It looks as if I will have to go the self-employed route - not something I'm very happy about. I'm up against discrimination - ageism. There just isn't an employer who is going to take me on unless it's for unskilled labour and the pay is peanuts.

I'm just going to have to build up a raft of skills and sell myself. This isn't going to happen tomorrow. Six months miniumum, probably closer to a year.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

You always post the most wonderful pictures too. Too bad there isn't a way you could sell some of them.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris. Unfortunately my present camera isn't good enough. i'm investigating upgrading to a better camera - I pretty much know the model that I'll be buying. But it's only just been released in the States, so it isn't available here yet. Here's a link to it:

Isn't she a beauty? I'm hoping that I could get it with the silver finish instead, but I suppose the technology is the thing rather than its colour. If I get that model, I'll be able to try selling my photos professionally! Yay!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow! that is a neat camera. Imagine waht it would do with your pcitures!You'll probably have to start watching on ebay. They say you can always get a good deal. Be interesting what they will be going for there.
Meantime we can still hope something will come along to help out now.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Doris! I doubt if this camera will be on Ebay. It's too new. And I'll want to look into cover for any technical faults that may occur - it's just too expensive to do otherwise. So I'll be buying it from my local photogrpahy shop, Jessops, when they have it in stock. I already have lenses that my father bought me for my older camera, also a Canon, and apparently they are good enough to get me started. The current Canon model will drop in price, but I don't want to be out of date as soon as I start, and the 8 megapixel is a lot of resolution. My current digicam is only 2 megapixels - the difference in quality will probably be stunning.

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