
Farmington, ME(Zone 4b)

How can I get rid of aphids on newly potted iris? I've been spraying with soap & water and there are still more. I'm afraid if I keep spraying them I'll kill the iris. It was looking really good!
Thanks Bonnie

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

I had horrible aphids on my potted irises last winter in my basement. If I remembered to go down there every day and squish all the aphids by hand (a little icky but very effective), I could keep their numbers under reasonable control. If you use the squish method, be certain to squish firmly at the very bases of the fans. That's where the aphids hide in large numbers.

I had a small army of allies, as well. Over winter, a bunch of ladybugs appeared in my basement and helped control the aphids. I even put out tiny dishes of water for the ladies to keep them happy and healthy.

You can also put the pots in your kitchen sink once a week and use the hand sprayer to spray off the aphids. You probably won't get the ones hiding down in the fan bases, though.

Hang in there. Those aphids will disappear as soon as you can get the pots outside in the spring.


This message was edited Feb 18, 2005 6:52 PM

Farmington, ME(Zone 4b)

Thanks Laurie, yes they like to hide way down close to the base. I opened the closed fans(YUCK)!
Well glad to know it won't kill them. So far it's only one large pot, the others seem fine.How do they get there? Are they already in the rhizome? It can't be the soil. I used the same soil for the others with no problem. LOL, I guess I'd better stop putting the ladybugs outside and show them my iris!!

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

I don't know where the aphids come from, but I'm not real happy about having colonies of them thriving in my basement. I'll tell you, though. I'm quite happy anytime I see a ladybug in my house now. I just pick her up and carry her down to the irises. ;-)


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Walmart carries a product called ROSE AND FLOWER INSECT SPRAY. It is made by Schultz and is their Garden Safe brand. It's about 5 or 6 bucks, but it works on the aphids, sawfly larvae, thrips, leafhoppers, mites Japanese Beetles, whitefly, fungus knats potatoe beetle, and tent caterpillars. Plus a few others I have no idea about.

It works almost instantly and can be used on veggie plants too. It kills the eggs too which is really great. And it can be used indoors or outdoors. Best few bucks I ever spent. I bought me 4 more bottles for back-up in case I need it.

Farmington, ME(Zone 4b)

starlight, thanks! I just came from Walmart, but I'll be sure to make another trip! It's less then 5 miles from home, so not along trip! Thanks again!!

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Starlight! That is just what I needed to know!! Going to walmart this afternoon!! I have had a problem with these tiny little black knats... they are about to drive me round the bend....

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I got gnats n house and they are all over my plants
and kichen sink area .

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

If you're keeping it in the house and want to spray, I'd use a pesticide that you can use on things like tomatoes. There are a lot of good, safe to use brands out there.

Tazzy, sorry about your gnats. Yuchhh.

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