Sprite Melon Seeds?

Gold Hill, OR

Has anyone grown this melon, and if so where did you find the seeds???? Thanks for any input you might give.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

If this is the melon I think it is - does the description say something about its being "individually sized?" I haven't grown it, but a local supermarket featured it - as I recall during the '03 season - and I purchased a couple of them before the supply ran out. Very tasty! The promotional material said it was newly developed, so I searched for clues. I learned that efforts to help tobacco farmers turn to other crops were underway by various extension services, and this melon was one result. Developed in North Carolina, if I remember correctly. I didn't try to save/grow out the seeds, figuring it to be a hybrid that likely would not reproduce exactly. I don't know of a commercial seed house that carries it. It is delicious, though.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

According to the research reports it is an oriental crisp melon that they obtained from Sakata. Sakata doesn't list it nor does other melon seed companies That I browsed. It is a hybrid. I did manage to capture a picture from one report.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Gold Hill, OR

Thanks to you both for your input. I hear this is quite a tasty melon, now if only I can find the seed.....

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I tried sprite s in 2003 and although their small size makes them cute, I was not impressed with the flavor. Of course Cantalopes are affected by the soil they are grown in, so they might be tasty where you grow them.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I liked them but think that if a batch of them had been harvested too soon the taste would be bland. The seeds are most likely released only to large agribusiness farms and not available to individual gardeners - at least not at this time.

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