what would you like to see the big garden centers carry

Kissimmee, FL

Hey there!
I am trying to put together my needs list for next year together. What would you like to see in 1gallons, 3 gallons and quart containers grown that is not available in your Target, Home Depot etc garden stores now? color and shrubs and tropicals as well. these would be for zones 9 and 10.

We grow herbs and veggies in 4.25 inch pots so think of things you would like to see in those items please. This is real work and I need feedback from others that grow plants and buy plants.
BTW I sell plants for a living and work for the grower.
Thanks in advance


Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi Bev. this is a problem because what I want to grow and look for are not the things that are going to sell well. There is research to tell just what is going to sell a lot and they are just the things that are not particularly interesting to long time gardeners.If you need to make it cost effective, don't try to get new and exciting. Just keep growing the same old, same old. Jessamine

Kissimmee, FL

this year we have grown five types of basila nd lavender and several medicinal herbs and have sold out. Lemon balm is a good seller. I want orange and lime mint as well as lemon verbena and pineapple sage this spring. I ask them to grow lots of stuff figuring some will make it. I have been lucky with herbs and tomatoes as they are growing lots of varieties. Including brandywine in pink red and white. BEv

Oklahoma City, OK(Zone 7a)

Here are a couple of things, but I'm not sure how easy they are to get at the local garden centers like Lowes.

Hyssop officialis - Hyssop
Pasperula odorata - Sweet Woodruff

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

How about some edible flowers that haven't been pesticide covered? Maybe edible flowers that are herbs too so you could market to a few different folks.

I am with you on the medicinal herbs too. Even though I may not use them I like to have them in my garden for some reason! Lemon grass is cool too although I imagine invasive down there.

Oh and Smiln32 congrats on making MG!!! I'm still 'lurking' around the MG's up here, taking other courses but can't do the MG thing until '06 - yuck!

Oh and I'm going to sell at the Farmer's market too which - Beverely reminds me of other things - you probably can't do lettuce can you? How about some lettuce alternatives? I have one from Johnny's that pretty and edible and takes heat - Amaranth or something? Can't remember the name - but the 'exotic' lettuce mixes are popular here so maybe you could sell plants!


Kissimmee, FL

We sell tom thumb and romaine and mesculin mix I was chopping on the garlic chives and dill and mesculin mix today in one of my stores. I am really bad on cherry and little pear tomatos when they are on the bushes and what I do to the strawberries is a crime. I just eat in the garden center when things are producing well. Hyssop is not a bad idea Sweet annie and sweet woodruff. Arugula and we grow st johns wort and valerian now for Target. Things are changing in the herb scene as people cook more adventure type foods..

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I've searched for chocolate daisy (Berlandiera lyrata) in just about every Target, Home Depot and Loews. Nada. ( a pony pack would be nice )
French Tarragon is another one that's difficult to fine.
Artichoke as an ornamental / veggie could be a hit.
These are all things I've looked for.
More than likely the Chocolate Daisy would be the only big seller.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

I would love to see some rock garden plants besides "Hens and Chicks", and the occasional small Sedum. I know anytime there is a Lewisia 'Lil' Plum', or a Saxifragia they get snatched up very fast....at least in my neck of the woods....
Just a thought,

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