Seed sowing help...please?

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

I have lots of seed from my white and my purple Datura and I'm guessing that they would be best sown like Brug seeds. If I'm correct, what is the best way to sow them? And if I'm wrong, does anyone here still know the answer? Also, if anybody would be interested in seeds from them, feel free to contact me. Pictures of each are in my thread "Where Might I Begin"

Thanks everyone

Richard T.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I will let a datura expert to let you know the basics. I will just add that it is my experience that they reseed by themselves easily so I do not think they are hard to get going!

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I start mine(the dbl/triple yellow and purple) in regular potting soil, anytime in March, inside. The big white stays alive from root outside, until we have a harsh winter, -21 below, then they are gone. Hope this helps.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

With me moving I've had to take only seeds with me. But Oh if I could have dug the root stock on the white one I had. Thanks for the answers Kell and Hibiscus.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I have only had good luck, or bad if you want to call it that, with the singles reseeding. There will be hundreds of them if I don't keep the pods picked off. The doubles have never re-seeded for me. I always hoped, but it didn't happen. Evidently it gets too cold her for the seed from the doubles.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

double or single daturas, i throw the seeds on the ground, around May in my area. they are pretty much on their own. from basic knowledge, datura seeds prefers warm weather to grow... somewhere between 75-80 ºF. others have been lucky to start them indoors, i am not. accdg to Tonny datura seeds, provided dried properly, should be viable for 40 some years.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gosh, 40 years. Now I must dig your seeds out Ma Vie!!! LOL My problem is I use the Preen now, so reseeding and volunteers usually no long work!

Mukwonago, WI(Zone 5a)

Richard T. Email me...
Lets talk !

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

40 some yrs is what Tonny said in an old thread here. wish Tonny will come around and confirm it.

i do not know about Preen Kell, as i have not use it. but do try throw some seeds on the ground when the weather gets warmer. it is still cold here. the night time lows in still in mid 30's and daytime high in lower 50ish. i will try plant datura away from all my other plants this year. am sure those seeds i sent u are still viable... they are the kind i will plant in May.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

They were beautiful as I recall! I let my white datura go to seed in the front side bed. About 40 flowers spilled their seed. I am so bad. I expect to have 1000 seedlings come up! I do not use preen in the sidebeds so I can have some Caifornia Poppies come up to cheer my soul!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

well, bank on me posting lots of datura blooms this summer. got no choice, i lost the majority of my brugs. no one to care for them, while i was hospitalized betw. Dec. and Jan. due to health problems. i still have some of the seeds u and Ada gave me sometime back. i will plant those too. i hope some of the brugs that looked dried and dead will come back to life for me... will keep my fingers cross!!!

as i look outside in the backyard, i see lots of California poppies plants are up and growing wild, but no blooms yet. the daffodils are blooming too. am still not able to go out and check my other plants. wish it get warmer soon. i could hardly wait for Spring which technically should arrive in March 20 accdg to 2005 calendar.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

This is a bit off the subject I started with here but the only thing coming up here are the streams. This is usually just a tiny babbling brook. And everything is Soooo brown. I can't wait for spring.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Richard, the landscape is still natural and beautiful! I love the datura too, actually, that is how I became brug obsessed. I think that the giant pure white blooms are Heavenly.
MaVieRose, I am too new to offer you anything, darn it, but I sure wish I could send you some cuttings. Maybe at the end of this growing season, now that I have surrendered here at DG to the experts LOL.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

don't worry Jackie, i will be fine. as it is... i do not know yet if i will be able to do any planting. like Kell and my drs.. said, the healing process will be slow. i just hope and pray i will have enough energy until Spring comes! joking aside, i probably will be sent to the asyllum if i can not do any planting this year LOL!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Rich, the landscape is beautiful even in winter. You'll have to take a picture if it this summer for us.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

MaVieRose ~ Oh, you'll be out there, I can feel it! I will pray that you are. Jackie

I am sorry to hear, that you have health problems, Ma Vie. I wish for you to feel much better soon. Yes, about Datura seeds, one experiment (
Schjelderup-Ebbe, T:"Über die lebenfahigkeit alten samen" publicised in Skrifter for Norske Videnskaber (Writings for Norwegian Sciences) in 1936) Ebbe succesfully germinate Datura seeds that has been stored for 40 years. Also in "Parey's" Flower gardnery in Germany, which existed from 1958 to 1961 7-10 years old seeds could be germinated. In 1946 Toole and Brown succesfully germinated seeds of D. stramonium, that had been buried deep in the ground for 39 years. Also in my own collection there is Datura seeds, that are very old, but still germinate for me. The first samples arrived at the Datura Collection International in 1990-93. As many samples came from botanical gardens, they have most likely been stored from the time of collection, so they can be very old.

When sometimes Datura seeds can be difficult to germinate, it has seldom something to do with age. D. inoxia and D. wrightii has a lesser content of germination inhibitors (they are complex chemical processes, that interact with the environment in wich they are stored and germinated), All other species contains more. For instance, D. ceratocaula and D. quercifolia are close to impossible to germinate in potting soil. However, alternating temperatures or 500 ppm Gibberellic Acid works wonders. Personally I prefer to do it the natural way, which is much easier and less expensive. It is to let the plants drop their seeds on the spot and let them go through winter there. When spring come, they come up like weeds.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

i hope i got ur stamina Jackie. i sure could use it. never know from day to day how things will be. i used to be a busy body, i was very healthy most of my life until 3 yrs ago. being bed ridden is so difficult for me to stay put which is why i am constantly having a relapse. one day i am able to be up, next day i will be down. i sure hope u are right cuz i know i will go bunkers if i can not do any planting.

Thank YOU very, very much Tonny for seed viability confirmation. some of my datura seeds came from a friend in Canada 6-7 yrs ago. accdg to my friend, he had his seeds for 10 yrs so he, at the time was not sure if they will sprout for me. luckily by the time i planted those datura seeds, every single one sprung and became beautiful plants and produced lovely blooms. other datura seeds i had came from DG members, they know who they are :). thanks!!!!

Ma Vie, that is wonderful also to have your veryfication, that 16-17 years old Datura seeds gives such good germination :) Germination rates varies so much from species to species. D. ferox for instance germinate best after 2-3 years of dry storage, but the dormancy can also be broken already the year after harvesting by placing them under damp conditions. Here the germination inhibitors will slowly be released from the seed coat and seed core and uptaken in the humid air.

That is a beautiful landscape with the small crooked trees and the bank of the stream. Wish, that we had streams here, where the landscapes are often boring and flat fields and a little bit of cultural forrest.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Rich, you have a beautiful place! I just love Wisconsin :) Have a friend in Fon du Lac, WI! I can envision lots of beautiful flowers growers in that spot right along that brook :)

Beautiful place wow!


Wow! Wisconsin ... I just sowed a lot of tobacco seeds this afternoon. One is a strain of N. virginica called "Wisconsin 38". Its one that has really a great aroma, that is only beaten by Sherazi-tobacco. Do you guys still grow Tobacco as a field crop in WI?

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

ma vie Rose...I too pray that you will be able to care for your brugs this spring and summer. I know between your health and the snowny weather, you have had a hard year. I also know that you love your brugs so much and put so much care into them. I could tell by your package you sent me. It would be a pity if you couldn't do what you love. Maybe if you take it easy and get alot of rest until then, you will be ready to do at least something come spring.
My cutting you sent are still small, but please let me know if anything you sent me would help you to have me send back when they get alittle bigger.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

yes, Tonny... i have good germination rate of datura seed when i plant them when the temperature is between 75-80ºF [24-27ºC], outside on the ground. i have never had any luck starting them indoors.

Thank You Margie, do keep ur cuttings... i hope they are growing nicely for u. the potted brugs brought indoors were hardly watered when i was in the hospital. the consequence is they dried up. i am keeping my fingers crossed that some will come back to life. otherwise come spring time, am sure others will have some cuttings to offer.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I'll be gald to share with you, MaVie.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Hey all: I missed out on the contest having a bad day with the legs. But Tonny, There is still a lot of Tobacco grown up here. Around Jefferson Wisconsin there are a lot of old tobacco barns and it's fun to check out the history on the growing of it here. They have Tobacco Days each summer as a festival.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

thank you very much Ada, that is very nice of u, but i would rather wait until spring gets here. i am still very hopeful that all the dead looking brugs would come to life. i wish and hope that some will at least. crossing my fingers.

sorry that u missed out on the contest. i never win any that's why i never join. sorry about ur legs, hope it heals soon. i hope u do not have rheumatism, cuz they sure hurts like the dickens. i know, my joints always hurts so bad during cold weather.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Rich, hope you're feeling better.

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

I'll put you in my prayer's tonight. I know how it is all too well. If it's not my neck that hurts it's my back. I think they must communicate because if one hurts the other doesn't. Geeeeesh, getting older isn't fun sometimes.

Get better soon my friend

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Thanks BrugAddict: (and everyone else)

I'll take all the prayers I can get. You may hear me complain about having a bad day from time to time due to this disability I now find myself with, but all in all I'm making a real effort not to let it get me down. Knowing it was an accident, and even though the doctor actually said,"Ooops to far" when placing the needle into my spine and injecting the chemical that wasn't suppose to go there, I'm just not going to spend valuable time being bitter about it. It can be Soooooo painful at times, but I just wait for it to pass, and move on.

I've told a few of you this already, but with the saying about life giving you lemons, and you making lemonade....., I truly believe that HIS true test is, when the lemonade is done, am I and the lemonade going to go through life being bitter? I've made the decision NOT to do that. So forgive me if and when I mention the pain or a bad day now and then, but sometimes it's so bad I just can't ignore it, as hard as I may try. But I truly do appreciate the kind words, thoughts, and prayers from all of you.

And moving into my new place has given me so much to dream, plan, and do that I don't have time to waste feeling sorry for myself. I'm really loving it here, meeting new people, most of whom love gardening, Hurrah!!!! And many people are actually looking out for me and making sure I don't over do. How sweet is that? (Very!)

By the way, I have several friends that live in Fon du lac as well and like most Wisconsin communities, the people are wonderful there.

I guess I should touch on the subject of this thread as long as we're here. I've planted seeds of both the White and the Purple and White Datura I grew last year. So now it's wait and see. It's pretty tough getting that outside layer off the seeds, I'll say that. I was wishing I had a scalpel to assist with the job, but knowing me I'd have a spasm and cut my fingers off, lol. Ooooops lol.

A Very Heartfelt Thank You to Everyone who wrote to me. I truly do appreciate your responses.

I'm including a photo I took last summer in Madison, the green trees and blue sky just looks nice this time of year. Hope you enjoy the shot.

Have a Glorious Day Everyone
Richard T.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow! Thats pretty neat Rich! I had to focus, I got dizzy for a minute or two. Although, the focus part didn't help lololol. A Lovely shot my friend!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I am so sorry to hear of your medical mishap that seems to have severely affected your life. You are an inspiration to be able to lift yourself above it and go on. I hope the pain subsides. Pain is so draining on your spirit. Best wishes Richard!

And your picture while incredible, hurt my eyes. LOL

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Great picture, Rich. You certainly have a good outlook. Keep it up.

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Everyone: If you haven't figured it out, the picture is a reflection of our State Capital Building on a glass (mirrored) building across the street. Sorry to send you all spinning, lol. Now I didn't say any of you are dizzy so don't give me any grief about that, ha ha ha.

And please don't elevate me towards sainthood yet, I've just decided not to let this get me down when there's so much gardening yet to be done. I've always looked at it that my gardens/landscapes are my way of paying "The Big Guy" back for all the beauty he/(she) put here for us to enjoy.

Here's another of the same thing but if you look towards the bottom you can see the arched doorway of the other building.

Richard T.

Thumbnail by richteaz
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Great pictures, Rich. Glad to see you back posting and feeling some better.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Your outlook is fantastic!!....
May God Bless you with some more gorgeous blooms!
You'll be in my prayers too,

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

Richard, you have a wonderful outlook and my money is on you!!!

Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm with Sherry and Jackie! Awesome pics Rich!

Gratiot, WI(Zone 5b)

Wow, here I was asking how to get my seeds to sprout and it's the thread post that sprouts legs, LOL. I guess we're cleaning up the Brug Forum and moving things around? Only makes sense to me. Thanks Dave! Truly!!!

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