choosing potato variety in Georgia

Cochran, GA(Zone 8a)

I am just starting gardening now that I finally have a yard I can expect to keep for more than a year or two in a row, and it seems to be the time to plant potatoes (central georgia, 8a) and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a good/easy to grow variety to start with for my locale. Gardening books keep mentioning the intense heat/sun here can be hard on plants.

Christina Cat

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Christina, I'm sure you'll get some good advice from those living near you. In the meantime, you might look through Wood Prairie Farm's catalog (online or ask them to send one to you.) I think I recall they have some varieties that they recommend for warmer climates. And check out the Tasteful Garden (used to be The Chef's Garden) - they're located in Heflin, AL and the varieties they offer may have been chosen for the south (don't know for sure - but they're nice folks to deal with. And they're one of the few seed potato vendors located in the South ;o)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Tina, try your local Co-Op!!! Ours employes very knowledgable people and they will have at least some of what you can use in your area.


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Christina ; As you have probably discovered by now, Georgia is not a prime Irish potato growing state. When you walk into a feed and seed and ask for a specific cultivar, you will probably get the "Delta's ready when you are look" They have red potatoes and white potatoes. I know some of them well enough that I go look at the bags and some far all of them have beeen Pontiacs (red) and Kennebecs (white). Each cultivar grows relatively well here, but don't expect the type of yields that are typical in Yankee land. Actually the only thing to avoid is a late season potato. They have to make before the summer heat. I expect any early or early midseason potato would do ok. They do need to be planted before March.

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