Globe Artichokes coming up

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

It looks like their starving for light though, that's a little mini greenhouse their in, and the light is on the top shelf, with all the other plants in the way, thinking I need to put another one lower. Took them a week to come up, and their still coming. I'm thrilled.


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Looiking good! Where did you get the seeds? Have you ever grown artichokes from started plants?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

No, This is my first time to even try seeds, well, second time, I hav some seedlings a little older than these. these are doing well compared to the others. I got the seeds in a trade. i also bought some on ebay. Their all gone now, I hope these do well.


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

How are your artichokes doing?

Victorville, CA

I bought some artichokes plants from Lowes and then I got some seed in a robin. The plants are doing really well. I wasn't too sure about the seed.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I saw the plants at lowes, nearly picked up a few. My garden is ready, so I exercise unusual self control and didn't buy them.
I guess next year will do Artichokes.

I'd like to hear how you like the appearance of the plant and how big they get.
I don't have a vegetable garden and need to work them into my back garden landscaping. Maybe with my not yet planted herb garden *S*


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