Rattlesnake Plantain

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I just received a few bareroot Rattlesnake Orchids and have no earthly idea what to do with them! Any tips would be greatly appreciated! (Color me silly, but I thought they would come with instructions!)

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

They are perfectly hardy but not easy to cultivate. They need part to full shade and a very loose, humusy soil (high organic content) and the soil should be evenly moist.....they are woodland orchids. Most prefer soil on the acidic side. If your ground is thawed, plant them oouside. If not, use a high peat soil inside and place them in a bright but cool area until it is suitable to plant them outside.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

As always, Todd - thank you for coming to my rescue! We just got 2 more inches of snow this evening, so it looks like peat and the downstairs eastside window - 50's with good morning sun!

You're the best! Thanks!

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

Are you talking about Goodyeras? Perhaps I can add to this, I had planted some in our Pennsylvania woods.
here is my link with some details.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Awesome! That is exactly what I'm hoping for! I got them from Mellinger's going out of business sale and they just tossed afew in baggies - no instructions, no nothing! One of them has a tiny leaf - the rest are just bare roots, so I totally buried them in a nice peat mix with a little moss. I have a lovely area whaere I will plant them outside shortly. It's mostly shady with a bit of am sun, and occassional dappled sunlight throughout the day. I will add a cage - thanks for the recommendation. No dear or critters, but a houseful of cats and dog that will surely trampple the one thing I'm trying to spare - LOL!

Thank you both! I am terribly excited to be trying something new!!

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