TamaraFayes' suggested > Gardenin' by the Moon (web site)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

The ol coot and I .. for the past 12 to 15 years, or so .. have used, and have come to 'swar by' .. a body depending on, and implementin', the signs of the moon .. for our flower and veggie gardening.

This 'ticular web site .. is one, that TamaraFaye had suggested and posted (back in July of '04 .. on one of my 'our Spring '04 veggie garden pics') .. to access and use, Gardening by the Moon!!

It's very informative and most applicable .. with no doubt what so ever that it's been a loooong used and proven method. It's certainly got my seal of good garden plannin', plantin' and keepin' on it !! .. hee ..

I've jes placed my order for a couply of the calenders, fer this year ...

Well, heck .. I'll jes take some rather extensive liberties .. and post her lil reply, and the link, for you guys - - HERE >


For anyone else interested in gardening by the moon, I got a calendar from this site below which was quite helpful. It is selected according to your time zone and growing season. Has a little explanation if you care, but mostly keeps it very simple and straight forward.

I started out using the trusty farmer's almanac, and ended up starting hundreds of plants indoors in March, late at nigh tafter the kids were in bed. Turns out, it was during the moon's "void of course" which I had no knowledge of. But those seeds sure knew, as out of hundreds, I only got one tomato four peppers and six marigolds. Here is the link; you can even print it out monthly instead of buying one.

(TamaraFaye, feel free to set me strait, if'n ya feel it needs be!)

And should anyone care to take a lil look-peek .. part 1 > http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/445454/
.. and .. part 2 > http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/451695/

With things not lookin' like we're goin' to have any significant amount more, of any snow fall - I'm kindly turnin' my eyes towards Spring.

(but, mindja .. I still haint none too happy bout ta lack o'snow, tho') .. Who knows, still anythang's possible ... Heck, ol man Winter, haint no where near ta bein' thru with us! .. (I hope!)

- Magpye

Edited: to fix my busted link for Gardening by the Moon (sorry folks)

This message was edited Feb 14, 2005 8:58 AM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)



I am ordering extras, as I figure my friends who doubt will wish for one later in teh year, after they are sold out. LOL

According to her calendar, I planted 40 Calbrese Broccoli (among other things) on Thursday night around 9 PM. They are supposed to spout in 5-8 days. The seed starter handbook says the studies show they will sprout in 4.7 days if the soil temp is 86 degrees F.

This morning, I had 15 up, this eveing, 30, and tonight around 9 PM, COUNT THEM THREE DAYS LATER, I had 34 suckers (er I mean sprouts) poppin out of the pellets like nobodies business.

My seeds are really glad I learned my lesson. None of them wanted to die this year LOL.

Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Ya got another farmer's almanac lover right here.

I'll tell you a wild story. One of my neighbors tills his garden under the moonlight about 11:00 PM or so. I guess that's what tractor lights are for, eh? Oh yeah, he's weird...

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

My grandmother was a believer & user of Almanacs & planting by the moon. She was pretty darn successful too! Who knows???

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

The books i have read show the actual SCIENCE involved. Plants are so complex, isn't it amazing? And we get so tickled like kids in a candy store when the little sprouts pop up heehee

Timberlea, NS(Zone 6a)

My Mom planned her garden by the moon. She also planned our haircuts the same way! I can't remember if it was just before the full moon or the new moon or what, but she swore that our hair didn't grow as fast if it was cut at that time.

She also has pointed out to me numerous times that the weather changes with the moon. If it's been cool, just wait for the moon to change and the temperature will change, too. It seems to be especially true in the summer!--Rhonda

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Pete2~ I hope it wasn't the full moon, surely he tilled in teh waning moon (decreaisng light, less moisture in soil). Also, in Gemini is best, as weeds are less likely to "turn over" and replant themselves. They just shrivel and die. The guy who tilled for me last year couldn't believe it. An area that didn't get palnted grew up very few weeds. Then he mowed it for me mid summer with a brush hog, also druing Gemini/waning moon, and the weeds never grew back up! Powerful stuff, huh?
When I ordered my calendars, I got some of each (short, medium, long growing season) for friends...

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

There is: Garden by tha moon 2005 OUTDOOR PLANTING at
http://gardenbycharlie.blogspot.com/ plus a Moon calendar astrology chart.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that was great charlie!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Hello thar .. heycharlie ! ..

That's the same website that we'd found just a few years ago. Before that, we were having to buy their almanacs!

What I particularly like about the site (and calendar) that TamaraFaye suggested .. is, that it pretty much simplifies things so much more, for 'me' .. for/on each day of the month and the calenders are 'geared' .. to suit ones corresponding zone(?), last frost date, etc. ....

Hee .. Besides, I'll probably 'check' one with the other .. It's gotten similar to the varied multiple TV weather station/forecasts .. and, fer the same dang'd town! (LOL)

Sure appreciate the input !

- Magpye

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I know whatcha mean Magpye! When I ordered mine, she was surprised that I wanted the medium growing season, being in Texas. Even most maps show all of Texas in one group, but it just ain't so. We are in Zone 6. Period. I ordered extras so I could get a discount, and I will be selling the extras at my DG sciff sotre. She said I could put a linkto her site at my store as well.

I don't even listen to the weather anymore. Last night they were all saying we were gonna get freezing rain and snow. Mom got worried because she needed to go to the chiropractor this morning. I told her the signs were changing from water to fire, and whatever moisture was headed our way would dry up. This morning everthing was dry as could be.

I esp like the astro claendar at charlies site. The moon photos were gorgeous! Toook forever to load though, and then it was set to March :-(

My favorite astro calendar is from equinox. I still need to order mine. It is medium blue with the moons done in silver in twelve columns, so that the patterns of the phase show nicely. One day I will hang them all on the wal as art. Will post that link when I find it/think abou tit.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey TamaraFaye
thanks for the comment on my tagboard.
Haha, yes it was set for Mar but it sets to any month you want.
That site has so much to it, takes a long time on dialup.

" I'm jus gonna keep on lookin' up - Magpye "
That's jus great! Good attitude too.
Where is Deer AR. located?

http://gardenbycharlie.blogspot.com/ has changed.
Appreciate any feed back. Got any suggestions?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

My nine day old broccoli seedlings are 1 1/2 inches high and beginning to make true leaves! I made a big booboo the other day. The calendar said, (and I checked it with some books), that Tuesday was a good day for cabbage (& family) and leafy things. So I planted two trays of 8 different things:Collards, Beets, Chard, 2 kinds of Spinach, Chinese Cabbage, 2 kinds of lettuce (heirloom)...is that eight? Yeah, I couldn't find the dag blasted Red Drumhead cabbage seeds **&^%&*!

So Friday night, after getting over a stomach bug, I transplant my toamtoes and peppers into jiffy 32s, and got ready to plant more. Then I see that the Tuesday plantings are sprouting ALREADY! I was a little ticked at my plans being so thwarted, let me tell you!!! I even called a few gardeing friends to complain, and warned them: "DON'T PLANT BY THE MOON UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED FOR SUCCESSFUL GERMINATION RATES AND EARLY SPROUTING!!!"

So today I broke down and bought some more lights. I am on my way to plant 200 more tomatoes. (I know I am sick in the head, huh, maybe that is where the stomach flu went)

If you don't believe, I dare, no I DOUBLE-DOG; TRIPLE-WHITE-CAT DARE you to give it a try. Don't use the almanac, it is too vague. Use the link, there is a calendar every month you can print out for free, with complete instructions.


Post your results here. Keep good records. Go ahead and plant something late Sunday and see if it evens lives...

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Great post TamaraFaye.
I had to wait till my eyes cleared to type this lol

That is a great site, I blogrolled the hints page, 'course it goes to all tha other places.
I especially like it where they said, 'If you can't plant' etc jus use your own judgement.
Read some more, thought, yep I gotta have this linked.

Thank ya kindly

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yeah, "own judgement" is particularly important when it comes to season and weather. I wouldn't set out a transplant on a good moon day for it, if it's 100+ degrees F and the wind is gusting to 40! Also, I guess I could have used a bit of that judgement when planting more stuff without enough lights, huh? LOL

Gonna go check the changes on your site as soon as I can.

Have a dear friend who is anything but science minded. Most of that type stuff just goes over her head, WAY over. She is completely against planting by the moon. I understand, because I use to think it was more than hog-wash, but also against my religion. Then, I decided I should maybe ask the Big Guy who made the moon and stars, if it was OK for me to at least look into it? So it didn't take much studying (I am a good student) to see that it was really just that way, and it would be wise to work with the earth rather than ignore this.

But when my friend came by yesterday to get her jiffy 7-25s I ordered for her, she just couldn't resist -- she said there was an article in Sunday's Amarillo paper about how planting in a waxing moon is just a myth. Boy, I steamed up inside, but gently (well, as much as possible) replied, "It's not a myth, it IS a scientific fact". I left it at that, and resisted the urge to waste my time on the article. After all, I would just feel obligated to write to the eidtor and straighten everyone out. But in this part of the country, trying to change someone's views is often a futile effort.

Most of them, even though they regularly drive past the smell of the feedlots and the beef packing plants, wouldn't have a clue what those animals actually eat. Oops, let's not go there. :-) Anyhow, call it a hunch, but I don't think there would be anything in that article that is correct, and if there were, I would have already read it somewhere else in my studies.

In case anyone is lurking and looking for information as opposed to conversation, the three best signs to plant tomatoes under are the water signs in the first and second quarter of the moon. (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) Unless you are expecting a long and dry and hot summer, in which case Capricorn would be the best.

And when you are fertilizing your plants, keep in mind that Potassium is best taken up by the roots during the waning moon, Phosphorus during the waxing moon and the closer to the full moon the better.

And flowers do best in Libra (a wind sign), vines (non-eating) in Virgo. For the shortest stocky vines, try Pisces.

There are so many great studies out there waiting for you to read them. Try "The Lunar Garden" It has a calendar and seed packets that are not current, but available at most out of print book dealer sites for a song. And the info is invaluable...

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

My 1st MIL was an old Pa. Dutch lady who used the almanac for everything from planting, haircutting, plowing and planting fence posts. (Never plant a fence post when the 'horns' of the moon are up. They will grow right out of the ground).

She once made the remark,"If you don't believe in the Almanac, you don't believe in Jesus". It had something to do with astrological sign durring summer and "Mary going over the mountain". Perhaps you who are more familiar would know about this.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Very interesting se-eds~

I have a book called "The Real Meaning of the Zodiac" I have not read it cover to cover, but what I have read explains that, regardless of race, any culture that named and studied the stars could easily see that it told the story of Christ. I recently started cutting my boys hair on a day for slow growth, and it seems to have helped. Their hair grows so fast usually! Cutting wood by the moon is important so it cures and dires well and doesn't rot.

Next tiem I pick up that book, I will see what is says about the mountain. ;You who are familiar with zodiac signs in the heavens, has it ever occured to you that the Bull and Lamb (or Lion & Lamb, you can see I don't know) are lying together? All of the signs are supposed to represent Chirst in some way, as He has so many facets to His qualities.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

This is interesting, national geographic did a brief article. Very brief, unfortuantely, and doesn't delve into the research that has already been done. But interesting nonetheless. Wish they had put more MEAT into it.


San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Speaking of more meat in it:
This Moon Phase picture http://gardenbycharlie.blogspot.com/ could have more but!
It shows the current moon which is 80.3% today.
If your puter clock is correct, the moon phase is also.
Updates it self according to your computer.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Heycharlie, that is a neat feature!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

The calendar may not be available next year unless sales pick up. If you want one, "Help save this site!" http://www.gardeningbythemoon.com/month.html

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

If you like this calendar, please purchase one from their web site. If they don't sell enough this year, they are going under. Personally I don't think there is another like it on the market, and I have searched and bought a LOT of moon calendars.


Greenfield, MA(Zone 5b)

please please please buy one! I'm hooked and don't want to think about creating my own year after year...oh the headaches.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I've ordered one, and have sent the info on to four gardening groups.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

I ordered mine already!! I'd hate to see such a dedicated small business "bite the dust". They need our $upport.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Thanks guys (and gals) :-) To think that a few loyal gardeners could spread the word and make the difference, how powerful is that! I'm ordering 6 more this week. Keep spreading the word... this is THE best gardening calendar available, PERIOD.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I've got a question about the calendar. When it says "plant and transplant summer annuals," that includes vegetables, I hope?

Wanted to till the garden today but it's soaked (and still raining) so I'm thwarted on this one...

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Received my calendar a couple of days ago...it's great! A lot of devoted research went into this...I expect to be consulting it frequently.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yes, Zeppy, MOST of your veggies are annuals. I have really been liking my raised beds, they drain well after rain (and snow), but stay wet enough I don't have to water often. I have my calendar out ALWAYS. It is so great to be able to plan ahead. Sometimes even the weather seems to cooperate with the signs and phases...

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I've been reading the Foxfire books, and there's a large section on planting by the signs. Seems like almost everyone used to do this to some extent. Really interesting reading: transcribed interviews with older mountain folks.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Zeppy, we posted at the same time,a nd I never caught your comment. Would like to know more about these books. I am really interested in old-timey ways.

Anyone else enjoying their calendar? Haven't got one yet? It's not too late...


If she is out, try:


People are beginning to tell me I have a green thumb. Do I have to tell them it is just the moon?


Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

TamaraFaye... re: the FOXFIRE books: The series began in 1972 and was a compilation of interviews with the old folks of the southern Appalachian mountains about various subjects ranging from cooking, hog killin' and butcherin' , music, gardening, soapmaking, etc...etc.... I bought the first 6 books. There may be later issues, I don't know. They are A VERY interesting look into the past of those people and the "old ways". Check with a good bookstore in Amarillo... they might have later editions or maybe can order for you. Good reading!!

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Larry has it right!
If you've not read Foxfire & ya like those old ways you'll love it.
Over at:
http://gardenbycharlie.blogspot.com/ Did a search on my Amazon link:

[The Foxfire Book : Hog Dressing, Log Cabin Building, Mountain Crafts and Foods, Planting by theSigns, Snake Lore, Hunting Tales, Faith Healing, Moonshining]
New $11.53 Used, from $2.94

Readers Digest had a special publication, (large big magazine) that dealt with similar topics.
Old pictures but with detailed instructions.
I lost much in a house fire in 1978 so my collection of that is gone.

I was over at GBC thinking about updating that moon thingy. More colors, detail etc.
Might get to it taday, might not too lol.

I am going to use an offsite thing, place to handle my garden pic's that allow those cute little tag signs.
Ya know, tha one that let ya tell a story concerning a given picture! [balloon type captions]

Happy reading

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks to ya both'uns :-)

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I wonder if that's the reason my seedlings aren't growing as fast as the ones I started outside in March. I'll have to take pictures and measure to see if ya'll think I'm behind. Tam remind me to order this cause I'll use it next year since I've already started my seeds etc. Only thing I could use it for this year is my radishes and herbs that I need to plant.


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Could be...
Saint, just to be safe, go ahead and get one for your fall stuff. She has great planting info in there. Then, just in case she is no longer in business, you will have lots of info to refer to, and would only need the new calendar part, and I can find you a calendar next year. You really need that info though! And surely they are on sale now. If not, you know where my web site is :-)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

( ... a wee lil bumperooner .. fer anyone interested ... )

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i already got mine, and it's digital! i love opening up adobe reader and up pops whichever month i want to see!!!

thanks magpye! sooo glad they are still in business. i tried my hand at getting this info myself out of the ephemeris, and it is WORK, lemme tell ya!

Hi TamaraFaye
well i was reading the thread and thiught "oohh great more sttuff to calculate " LOl, but i will be looking into the sites you gave .
We had a spectacular full moon last night with a big glowing halo aroung it, I thought does the mooon always have that ? I just dont remember ever seeing anything like it before, it was right after a snow fall that night and the sky just opened up clear with the moon glistinening.
best wishes

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