Can I start my seeds yet?

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok, my last frost date is mid april. I have the week off work and plan to build my rasied beds and get the compost/soil going.
Last year I started really late and had dismall results. I don't want to start my seeds too early indoors this year and suffer the same results.
Tomatoes. and peppers are the main interest (the lettuce should grow fast enough).
just call me "dyeing to germinate"

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Dyson I am making the assumption you have a good warmish well lighted place to grow your starts in if this is correct then plant your peppers now and the tomatoes in a couple of more weeks. The rule of thumb is six weeks prior to last frost but peppers grow so slow I streach them out a bit longer.

Lettuce , Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccill, all will stand a little cool weather especially if you cover them at night before the frost hits them. Starting them four weeks prior should be ok.

Start onions and leeks now as you are already behind a bit on them . I started mine dec 28 and jan 10 and will plant them out at the end of the month and my last frost date is may 10 th. Ernie

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanx ernie I would have done it backwards and done the tomatoes first, will get the pepper seeds started this week - again thanks - dyson

Eagle, ID(Zone 6b)

Hi, I would go right ahead and start the peppers and tomatoes. If you end up running out of room because they get too big you can plant them in some wall of waters outside. I tried that 2 years ago and they did just fine. It was actually March when I planted them outside but they stayed just fine inside the wall of waters. I think they were shocked at first, but they were growing great by the time I needed to take them out of there. I never lost a plant. And they produced very early.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Dyson! We are in almost the same zone! I just started my flowers, eggplant, peppers, etc. yesterday.

I will start my tomatoes and a couple more annuals in 2 weeks. It's important not to start your tomatoes any earlier than 6 weeks prior to planting! Johnny's Select Seeds has some great hints on tomatoes as well as other plants. When I started following some of their guidelines I really increased my success. I plant here no earlier than April 15th.

Good luck and have fun!

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

ernie - you will plant your onions and leeks out at the end of feb? isnt the ground frozen? or do these go in the hoop house? i planted some shallot seeds too this year - should those go out as well? i use mid-apr as last frost here altho it could go till mid-may....

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Toby yes the end of the month the onions go in the ground providing we do not have a big freeze on and no the ground is not frozen. I don't think the shallot seed will germ untill the ground warms up but the weeds will.For that reason I start the onions and leeks in the gh and plant them about six weeks later. Shallot sets could probably go out at the end of the month but I don't see a need to get a real big head start on these. Ernie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ummm, Ernie & Toby, check your respective zones, there's a reason you have different time frames for setting out....

A local friend of mine (zone 6b) put her onions (Walla Wallas) out in mid to late April last year, I believe.

I'm going to try to hold off on starting tomatoes until late March this year (I always start them too early) except for a few early variety ones that I'm going to put out at the beginning of April with protection. Fortunately, I have plenty of flower seeds to winter-sow, and that will keep my busy & happy with my paws in the dirt!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Critter Yep I am aware of the zone differences. Since what I do is pretty well proven here Toby can just adjust my times to fit her conditions.

Will start peppers between now and the week end and tomatoes about march 15 now before everyone wants me committed remember my tomatoes grow in a hoop house. Ernie

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I was wanting to start some tomato seeds this year, but I don't have any grow lights or means of indoor germination. When should I plant seeds outside....or should I just buy transplants later?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Huga for this year you need so few prolly better to just buy your starts till you get a place set up. Ernie

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hugs, if you're just trying to start a flat or two, finding space might be easier than you think. Even a bookshelf with a fluorescent fixture rigged over it will work, especially if you can raise & lower the light so it's just above your plants. Two 40 watt ordinary bulbs in a cheap shop light fixture will provide light for 2 flats of seedlings...... Not that there's anything wrong with buying starts, but it's fun to start your own, especially if you like more unusual varieties.

Peas can be planted around St. Patrick's Day, especially if you sprout them first, which I'm going to try this year. There are other veggies like lettuce that like cool weather, and I don't think you have to wait until last frost date to start them outside.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Thought this, may aid a few folks ..

- Magpye

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