
Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

Where do this pesty flying things come from ?

I have allready had a attack of them in the house growroom
and also spider mites. i removed all plants cept for a few
cuttings of peppermint and a Ivy plant and my english lavendar
plant. i washed the cuttings and cleaned everything. left the room
like that for 2 months and now the white flys are back again.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

One year I remember I bought a couple of poinsettias for Christmas and the whiteflys came on them. I finally got rid of the whiteflys by putting a product for fruit trees called "Tanglefoot" on both sides of a piece of construction paper, putting that on a stick and putting several of them in with my houseplants. The whiteflys are attracted to the yellow and get stuck on the Tanglefoot. I have seen such yellow sticky papers in some of the gardening catalogs these days.

Good luck.

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

yep , i got some yellow sitcky cards. im just wondering if they can
come in some potting soil. the rooms been fine for 2 months
and now there back again ..

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

yes they can come in potting soils. Their eggs can be in the potting soil too. Always make sure that your potting soil bag is sterililzed if you don't want bugs and make sure too that the bag is without any holes anywhere. They can also come through a window or open door.

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

ok, thats gotta be where ther comming from, i got a big bag of some pro mix from a place in
town and it was #1 stored outside and #2 it has holes in the bag.

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