where to buy vegetable seeds other than gurney's

Owensville, MO

I am fed up with Gurneys does anybody have a seed company they deal with?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Johnny's Selected Seeds - it's one of the top 20 on GWD :)

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Depends on what you want. Pine tree is a plant scout participant and highly rated. Burpee has quite a few exclusives. Johnny' s has a good selection especially for northern Growers. If you are more into market varieties Twilleys or Willhite. If if you are into tomatoes there are specialty companies like Tomato Growers Supply or Totally Tomatoes.. Just browse through the watch dog. Rare cultivars - Baker Creek or Sandhill Preservation

Owensville, MO

Just regular seeds pumpkin-lettuce-beans etc

Dansville, NY(Zone 6a)

A lady at where i work used to run some greenhouses here and she just gave
me a Twilley catalog. i never have used them so cant comment on there seeds.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

If you just want some standard cultivars, you can usually get them locally.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Great list, FarmerDill! I also like Territorial Seeds. Pinetree has smaller packets of seeds that they offer at significantly lower prices, so they're a good deal for many home gardeners, plus they only want $2 shipping for a seeds-only order.

As an aside, I recieved my seeds from Gurneys less than a week after I ordered them this year. However, they did mislabel a chile packet last year. I don't mean to turn this into a "bash or defend" thread, but it's possible they've turned the corner...

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

You can't beat Johnny's or Pinetree....Baker Creek is a MO company if you want to support your home state though....they are out of Mansfield and Jere Gettle is a great guy.

All three are highly rated in the Watchdog.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Welllll, if'n you haint jes a brand new sprout here, yaself .. groundhog65066 !!

.. A big ol 'hearty' welcome to DG to ya !!!

http://www.victoryseeds.com/ ... is one vendor that we've used, during the last couply Spring garden seasons! Altho' I've not accessed and/or checked their 'status' in the Garden Watch Dog .. but we've been quite satisfied, with the seeds, packaging & shipping, receipt & condition .. of the goods we've ordered from them! Seem to be some mitey fine folks !! Prices appear to rank fairly average ...

However, one particular seed that we won't need to order any of, for this year - is their Christmas LIma Bean seed!! Heavens, we managed to harvest ample enuff seed this past year, to plant two-and-half times our entire garden size + .. And we've already shared a wee bit, with several family folk too. .. hee ..

Happy gardening ..

- Magpye

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

i like johnnys seeds for everything except tomatoes. for them i like tomatoes growers supply co.

Los Altos, CA(Zone 9a)

Park Seed-good variety, low prices

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

A big 'hearty' welcome to DG, to ya .. oakbas147 !!

- Magpye

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Victory Seeds is a good spot....Mike Dunton is a great guy. We've had a project or two together in the past. A real 'hands on' owner.

Hermosa Beach, CA

There are plenty of websites much better than Johnny's or victory seeds, especially if you're looking for heirloom, organic, rare, unusual...or simply common vegetables.Since I don't know your preferences I'll just give you a few general websites that have good stuff:
Seed Savers exchange - www.seedsavers.org
L'Atelier Vert - www.frenchgardening.com,,,since I'm french :)
Seeds of Change - www.seedsofchange.com

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Groundhog 65066 I;m a new member of a few days and wanted to tell you that Iv'e ordered lots of things from various places and you have good years ordering plants and bad years.I guess depending on who fills your order that particuliar day. I have tried several places and sometimes consistent quality and caring staff change like our seasons! I;m always looking for more choices to locate my gardening needs too.

Cowichan Valley, BC(Zone 8b)


I notice you're from here in Missouri. Some people swear by getting seed that has been grown in your own locale if possible, for best adaptation to your growing conditions. Whether you think that makes a difference or not,
if you'd like to support some local businesses, who are also preservers of old heirlooms, I suggest you try Baker Creek http://davesgarden.com/gwd/c/14/ (on the GardenWatch top 20) and Heirloom Acres http://davesgarden.com/gwd/c/3160/

I had good germination and production from Baker Creek seed last year, and have ordered from them again this year. It's my first time ordering from Heirloom Acres. I can tell you that their prices are the lowest I've seen, and that their broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage germinated in one day! So it looks promising too.

Victorville, CA

I've recently ordered from Tanager Song Farm (hard to find heirloom Tomato seeds), Burpees(bean/pea innocculent), and Johnny's(herb seeds). I haven't received anything yet but it's only been a week and there was a postal holiday on Monday. So I'm still looking for them. I found a lot of seeds at my local garden shop. They carried Burpees and Ferry Morse/Lilly Miller. And Walmart Gardens(from Walmart is also Ferry Morse. It kind of saves the shipping costs.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

There's also your local feed n seed co-op store. They sell seeds for the home gardener as well as the commercial farmer. Chances are, the varieties that they carry are tried and true for your local community.

You can get onion sets and seed potatoes...cabbage slips and broccoli starts. Lots of goodies there if you've never ventured into yours.

Moorhead, MN(Zone 4a)

You've already been inundated with choices. So why not add one more of my favorites? I like Jung Seed too. Totally Tomato is my favorite. They are actually a subsidiary of Jung.

Ferry Morse was mentioned above. I have to go to a Tractor Supply Company locally to find one seed packet...but it is worth it. Ferry Morse Top Sirloin Tomato.

This message was edited Mar 7, 2005 11:37 AM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Check out the Garden Watchdog about the Jung tribe of companies. I'm sure that they are working on improving, but there are many reports of unsatisfactory service.

Moorhead, MN(Zone 4a)

I notice that the Negative listings regarding Jung come from live plants not seeds. Since Groundhog asked about seeds, it would seem a pretty safe bet. I received my online seed order from Jung in a timely and accurate manner again this year...just like the last 8 years.

What I appreciate most about Jung's seeds is the germination percentage. Their seeds consistently germinate better than the other companies from whom I purchase seeds.

FWIW, my success rate has been low from virtually all of the mail order companies when it comes to live plants. My guess is that the plants leave most of the seller's doors in an acceptable condition. I think it's that ride in the brown OOPS truck and that flight in the frozen hold of the airplane that account for most of the dissatisfaction regarding "live" plants arriving dead. Any plant that we cannot start from seed or isn't an indestructible rhizome or bulb, we buy from our locally owned nurseries. That way you can see that they are actually living.

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