New member introduces herself

Kissimmee, FL

Hi I am Beverly from Kissimme Florida I sell plants to Target stores here and love my job. It is lots of work and driving but the people in the Garden Centers are the best to work with. I am especially interesrted in container gardening this year. After 4 hurricanes in one month our yard took a beating. I plan to veggie and herb garden in containers on my east side yard and then plant my annuals around in pots around the pool and side deck. I am starting with the herbs first. Hope to be able to contribute soon. BEV

Welcome to container gardening at Dave's Garden Bev. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your labour! The hurricanes were dreadful to hear about, I can't imagine having the courage to fight back after one. I admire you!
Christine in Canada

Kissimmee, FL

During Hurricane Charlie we had most of the damage done. In our neighborhood alone 90 per cent of the homes had to have new roofs. We did to but were lucky no real water damage. Our Camphor trees and Sycamores held up best. The Sycamores went thru all 4 hurricanes and did not snap. They are 20 feet high. The two camphor fellover but my husband replanted and staked them after each hurricane. They are hanging in there we will keep them staked for at least a year. I am going to container gardening this year at least then I can bring them in the garage. Later BEV

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Welcome, Bev! We do a lot of container gardening up here in Alaska. I love on the Kenai Peninsula where the summers are cool and the soil temps are raised by using containers. We are also a very rainy area, so the extra drainage is good. Of course, our summers seldom get above 75F, so keeping pots from drying out is less of a problem than most places.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Welcome Beverlyplants; Like you this year I am going to go to container gardening. Where my house is a lot of places I can dig 3 ft. before hitting rock, and other places I do good to get 6 inches. Then we have hail every so often and if it is in the forecast I can get them moved under some shelter. Thanks God we don't have hurricanes but we do live in tornado alley.


Kissimmee, FL

I havea niece that honeymooned in Alaska and first born son is named Keani and daughter is named Denali. I have heard from everyone that ever went to Alaska how beautiful it is in the summer.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, Bev, Alaska is beautiful in the summer. It's also beautiful in the winter, but you might not want to spend the winter here! How sweet that your niece named her children after places in Alaska.. Denali Park is a beautiful area, and I live on the Kenai Peninsula.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

So nice to meet you :) I saw your post in the Moms forum and didn't recognize the name... now I know why! I will from now on though :) Pleasure to meet you, I'm Jacci -- stay at home mom of 3 girls (so far) and rediculously dependent DG-er in the winter months. Somebody give me something GREEN -- anything!!! LOL :)

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

hello and welcome from upstate new york.

San Manuel, AZ(Zone 9b)

I do alot of container gardening it. I even have an "upside down" tomatoe plant growing in a pot....that is a fun plant!
I also love Target plants! I buy most of my starts from them.
Welcome to the site.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Madelyn65,,,I would love to see your upside down tomato plant in a pot. Please take a picture.


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Hello and welcome to DG from North Carolina. It is nice to have you here :o)

Richland Center, WI(Zone 4a)

Hey Bev e-mail me please!
Thanks Tami

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

Welcome aboard Bev !!! Danny

Hello ... Am new to DG and am liking it so far. I grow herbs in containers and love cooking with them. I have Rosemary, Basil, 2 types of Oregano, Italian Parsley, Arugula and some very sick looking dill which I planted from seed. Anyone else like growing with herbs?

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