Drama at the duck pond

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It's dry here, but cold. However, decided to go down to the duck pond, bp and all that. Should really do this more often - probably will now that the better weather isn't too far away.

Anyway, it was very muddy underfoot but good to see the stirrings of spring in the woods. Snowdrops in bloom and the green leaves of the bluebells poking through. Saw a couple of squirrels. Do they have fleas do you think? One of them brought up his left hind-leg and scratched himself vigorously behind his ear.

Went down to the pond. Bumped into an old gentleman and his old black dog. This man brings his car here almost every day, to feed the birds. I don't know his name but we often stop and chat. He was pleased to hear that I'd got work. He asked me if I knew any old ladies who lived on my street.

Apparently he was at the duck pond on Saturday, and saw what at first he thought was a polythene bag floating on the surface. Got closer and saw a couple of legs. Yes, a person in the pond! He thought the person had drowned till he heard a gurgling noise. He went over, reached over the bank and tugged. It was an old lady, and still alive! And not too thankful at being rescued either. She had been trying to kill herself. He got her over to a local school and they got the police and an ambulance. Took her to hospital. Hypothermia but still alive I think.

The lady is 85, and I'm not too sure who she is - one of my neighbours would know no doubt. I'm not too surprised if an elderly person want to end it all. Maybe they're in pain and don't have friends or family near by. She'll need good care now or she may be tempted to try again.

I'm really glad that my friend found this lady and not me. What a shock it must have been.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

It was so lucky that your friend happened to see her and pull her out. Have you found out if she lives in your neighborhood? I hope the poor woman gets the help she must sorely need to try and do such a terrible thing!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I believe she does live near me Doris. But I'm not sure who she is. Towns can be very anonymous places. I haven't seen anything about it in the paper, which must mean that she has pulled through.

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