Planting irises on creek bank

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Hi, I need some advice from some specialists, please. My suburban home backs onto a fairly large creek and I would like to slowly start landscaping the creek bank with some paths and native flowers, but I want to do it in an ecogically sensitive way. Is there anything ethically/ ecologically wrong with planting some louisiana iris or blue flag (iris setosa) by the waters edge?
Thanks in advance

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Dear Natasha, the blue flag Iris is considered a native plant, so I don't see anything wrong
with planting that by the water. It sounds like you have a very good plan, and I am sure
you are going to have a lot of fun doing it, and then a lot of enjoyment out of the results.
I wish you lots of luck with your project.
I also do native plants.
If you need some seeds, let me know, I may be able to help.
Sincerely, Josephine.

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Thankyou so much, Josephine, I needed some reassurance that I wasn't making a wrong choice. Your site is beautiful!

Wauconda, IL

Natasah...those are very fine choices for your creek bank! April

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Be sure to check your area, they are invasive here in south GA..They take over
smaller bodies of water pretty quickly.. I have them in a pond here on our farm, and I have had to spray with a chemical to keep them at bay..


Thornton, PA(Zone 7a)

I know blue flag is native here in PA and are planted along the creeks. I have also seen daffodils naturalize along the creeks in the wet areas. There are fields of them and it is a beuatiful effect. It may work in your area.
Good Luck

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Thankyou April, Larkie, Ellie. Daffodils are a GREAT idea. I love daffodils.

Daffodils will "naturalize" as will yellow flag iris. Both are non native or rather introduced species. The Daffodil (jonquil or narcissus) is not native to the continent of North America.

You might want to consider initiating contact with any of the following-

The Crosby Arboretum
Mississippi State University Extension
370 Ridge Road
Picayune, Mississippi 39466

Mississippi Watershed Management Organization

Mississippi Native Plant Society
Mississippi Native Plants
attn: Bob Brzuszek, Crosby Arboretum
P.O. Box 190
Picayune, MS 39466

Mississippi Native Plant Society
Debora Mann, Biology Dept.
Millsaps College, Box 15037
Jackson, MS 39210-0001

Mississippi Native Plants- Coastal Chapter

Friends of The Mississippi River

You might find this link interesting-'Mississippi%20Native%20Plants'

Best wishes to you.

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

Thankyou so much, Equi, I have spent quite a lot of time browsing around MSUCares, but I did not know about the other sites you mentioned.

Wauconda, IL

Daffodils aren't native...but they don't push the native stuff out, either. They're kind of innocuous, IMO. April

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