
Rose Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

I will soon have the new pc and ready to do my winter hunts on line......................

This winter it's Matelea ssp. and Kosteletskya virginica the white and lavener forms gulf coast areas

I got 1,500+ seeds of Ipomoea indica.

I found 2 new mutations of Ippomoea purpurea and grew out 2 new ones for Emma. She doesn't even know about the second one yet! lol

it's all for now, I need to run and get home to finish up the chores.

I have lots of Hibiscus rosa-sinesis seedlings from the tropics. I will be starting out with the cvs later so anyone want to trade. ??

I have a new mutation of Albizia julibrissin "Martha Dell" it's a yellow Mimosa not pink very striking tree!

Also Ipomoea fistulosa "Texas" "Snow" and "Rebecca" color forms
more later

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Larry. So good to see you back. Please stay with us this time!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Larry!
...ya' know...there is a yellow 'albizia lebbeck' that is a yellow form of albizia. Could that be what you have?

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Larry, hope to get to know you this time around..........I have seen lots of pictures of MG's that Emma has grown and they are just stunning.
Hope we have some real beauties this year.


Greenville, SC

Hello Larry! I so enjoyed growing your red-feathered morning glories this past summer,they bloomed until frost! I grew a Tie Dye Blue vine that had split flowers. It only made a few seeds but I saved them to see what happens this upcoming season.

Thumbnail by Zoomer
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Larry, they all sound neat.
:) Donna

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Larry,
Ok, I give up. Which is my other New MG that you grew out for me.
I only know about 'Emma's Gift'.
Curious if it is something that I didn't grow again last year.

Check here and you can see my 'Lavender Mist' blooms.
This one is STILL TRUE year #3.

Look forward to seeing what your I. Indica seeds do for you this year too.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Hi Larry good to see you. I was just thinking of you the other day when I took MG bush cuttings. I need to make another trip to visit my friend on the island and get some more beach MG cuttings(don't ask what I did to the ones I had started)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Are those the canavalia rosea?

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