yelow flowering trumpet vine

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

I was going through an old notebook a few days ago and found a list of names of 2 people here from DG that I had promised cuttings of this vine to. I can't find the thread that this was posted on but I know it was on this forum. I remember posting that the vine had died but 2 people had already sent me money for some cuttings. I am almost 100% sure that I never refunded the money and wish to do so at this time. I had so much going on at the time that it apparently just never gave it a second thought.

I know at least one of these people are still active here and I have your name and addy and will send the money back that you sent to me for these cuttings. Those 2 people are Dee Rush--WillowWasp and Margie Goodrich. I don't have a user name for Margie so if anyone knows if she is still a member here please let me know.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

David, you sent me BRUGS instead...........remember......... thats where my beautiful "Cypress Garden" and "Tequila Sunrise" comes don't owe me a thing.......

Thanks so much anyway

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. It's good though if you had one to waste to begin with. I honestly don't remember who I sent what to but do know that I didn't send any trumpet vines out to anyone. It was quite by accident that I found that old list of names with yours on it. I would be happy to send you the money back but if you say I sent you something to cover for the T.V. then I will leave it up to you if you want me to send a refund.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks again and I am tickled that you even thought of if you insist you can alway send me so more of those beautiful brugs......... I wouldn't fuss a bit about that........LOLOLOLOL....

Your such a Sweetie David but your covered and we are even...........Thanks a bunch........

Murrells Inlet, SC(Zone 8a)

you'd be surprised at how FEW brugs I have now. You know about all the mess I went through last year with people thinking that I had Sb in my plants. It turned out not to be but I didn't know that at the time and destroyed many many plants.
I downsized from about 125 varieties to somewhere around 25 if that many.
Anything tha looked suspicious to me went to the burn pile and that included quite a few very highly sought after ones also.
I still have brugs but none to mention that others can't get there hands on easily. My rothkirch is still alive and well though as is Bert. Other thatn those 2 I don't really have any special ones because my L'Amour bit the dust. The person I got it from on ebay was very nice and offered to replace it even though it had been over a year since I purchased it but I didn't get a new one.
I have way too many plants to take care of already and just keep adding to the inventory every time I go near a nursery. Must be some sort of addiction that we have!!!(LOL)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh yes I remember that horriable time and read every post with fingers crossed that it wouldn't be true. David that is sooo sad that you lost so much. I sure wish that had not happen as do we all but I am sure that folks will be willing to share with you again when the weather is warmer.

I have a list of rooted Cuttings I will be giving out in the spring. You know we had that freek snow storm and freeze that took us by surprise and I lost so many plants. I was able to get out and get lots of brug cuttings and I am waiting now to see what will surive and what won't before I send out anything. I will e-mail you when they are ready.
You may want some.
Let me know


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