New Iris Garden #2

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This is in the dog's yard. I've put the extra Iris I had,
literally, "laying around" in here.

I talked my DH into reducing the area the dogs have,
so when he fences that area off, this will become part
of MY area for MORE FLOWERS. LOL.

1 more pic coming--

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's a close-up.

The glass blocks were given to us by a friend of
my DH's. I've used them to try to discourage the
dogs from digging there.

Cujo tends to take the popsicle markers to chew
on!! So far the blocks have stopped that, too.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Cowichan Valley, BC(Zone 8b)

I followed the adventures of your new iris bed, lilac-under-seige and so on with great interest. Glad to see a new thread!

I had a lot of iris that ended up "laying around" too. I divided some badly overgrown old rhizomes, and oh boy, did they multiply! My hands gave out long before they all got back into the ground, and the remainder sat stacked on top of each other under the shade of hosta leaves for about *two months* (blush). They got an occasional spray with the hose, and nothing more. Well, when I finally dared look to see if I'd killed them all I found that they were all soldiering along, and the bottom ones had managed to root themselves and were putting out new leaves. hardy devils (good for me!)
They all got planted finally, and even the smallest and most neglected of them seem to be dealing with the snow and cold alright. So I'll bet that yours will just thrive (if the dogs don't get them of course). good luck!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

What a neat idea about putting the glass blocks around your flower bed. I use clay flower pots to outline my lily beds.
Find them at garage sales, but with two large lily beds, I haven't been able to find enough to finish the lily bed that I just started in 2003.
Will post a picture showing details of pots later. Thought that I had scanned in a picture and kept it, but nothing in photo album.


Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


I'd like to see what you've done with your Lily Beds.

I call all my little areas Gardens--It sounds so Grand!!
Each area has a different name (like---Garden), so
I don't get too confused & I can seperate them in my
gardening journal, & in my photo album on the computer.
This year I'm naming each photo by what "Garden" it's
of & the month I took the photo. That way, I can keep
track of what happened, when. Well, that's the plan. Lol.


I'm glad to hear yours did so well. I still have some sitting
on the patio. I can't plant them until a tree is cut down. Prolly
happen next Sat. unless it rains again!! The tree man is over
a month behind cuz of the rains.

This is what they looked like when I first dug them up. This
is not all of the baskets, but most of them. I gave baskets
& baskets of them away.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)

This is what I have yet to plant. Notice there are no long green

They've sat there over 3 mos, without dirt or water. It gets really
hot on the patio. I was very suprised to see that a lot of them
were growing new growth. Naturally all the old fans had dried
up, & I took them off.

Most of the ones left to plant are pretty dried up, but God willing,
most of them will grow anyway. I don't expect many to bloom this
year, tho'.

Thumbnail by KE6KAD
Corte Madera, CA

We're watching =). Thanks for sharing these garden adventures.

Cowichan Valley, BC(Zone 8b)


when I divided I ended up with lots of good sized rhizomes+fan, but also with a lot of "miniatures" -- perfectly healthy and good to keep with root +fan, but really small. I'll bet you may have some of those too? And if you're like me, they're among the ones that got left until last to plant.
I ended up creating a kind of nursery bed for them, just a fairly out of the way spot with suitable conditions for them. They can stay there for a season or two while they gain size (if they bloom, all the better). At least they're in the ground.
You might want to think of doing this too, rather than wait till you can make the new bed you're planning on (if you think that will take awhile).
just an idea.
the "little ones" all seem to be doing fine too, btw.

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


The tree that has to come down will be taken care of this Sat. My DH will
plant them either that day or the next (he doesn't know that, yet!! Lol.). If
the tree doesn't come down then, I'll have to come up with another plan.

Corte Madera, CA

ke6kad, how's the new iris garden looking these days? please give us an update!

Yucaipa, CA(Zone 9a)


Thanks for asking.

It hasn't had time to look much differently, but at least it doesn't
look any worse!! Lol.

Most everything still has green on them. I've had to replant 2. I
think it was from the rain.

The dogs haven't dug any up, which is what I was afraid of.

The area in the gully where I want to plant the extras/unkowns is
still unusable. The tree that is being cut down is a lot bigger
than the tree man & us realized, so he has to come back. I'm
thinking of throwing some dirt into the baskets until my DH can
plant them. Some are growing, but some are pretty shrivelled.
They're really tiny, too. It may be 2 wks B4 they can be planted.
Yeah, I'd better throw in some dirt!! If it would only stop raining
long enough. The tree man was to trim the trees over a month
ago, but because of the rains, he's way, way behind.

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