Indian Currant

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know about this shrub? It's supposed to be wild in the states of VA, KY, TN and a couple of others. I think the berries are edible. Where can it be bought?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

It's probably known by different names in different regions. You might receive more help if you can narrow it down at least to a genus. Indian currant could be Ribes, Rhamnus, Symphoricarpos, or maybe something else. Can you post a pic or look it up so we'll know what plant you mean?
Guy S.

Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

Is this what your looking for ?

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

well, I'm afraid this is one of those wild things that people call by many names. This shrub is 6-8 feet tall and the berries are edible. I don't have a picture; I'm on a search mission for a friend. I can get a picture next spring when it's blooming and later when it has berries.
The shrubs grow on property once owned by a wonderful lady who Bearwallow Springs Jelly House. A lot of what she made was collected or grown locally. It's her daughter that calls this Indian Currant. No more information right now.

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