Multicolored Butterfly Bush

Dayton, OH(Zone 6a)

I saw a picture of a multicolored butterfly bush in a magazine at the bookstore and of course I can't remember the name of it or the name of the nursery that they said was growing it.

Has anyone else seen it or know the name of the nursery?



Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh, I see that all the of course I can't remember either! You can do this yourself you know.....root a stem of each color you want and plant them in the same pot...... :~D

Edited....or is this the one you meant.....

This message was edited Jan 23, 2005 11:01 PM

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Are you talking about variegated types?

Thumbnail by hczone6
Dayton, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much for your help. Kachinagirl that is exactly what I was looking for. Hczone6 I'm just a little north of you in the Dayton Area.

Thanks again for your help.


Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Just a little north, but still a little colder :( I woldn't want to go any farther north! LOL Cold enough as it is.
Butterfly bushes grow really well for me. I'll be plopping more of them in the ground. They grow too fast in some locations, but I've got some areas where they'll work out fine without having to worry about them getting too big :)

Dayton, OH(Zone 6a)

Do you think Berns will carry the bicolor ones this spring or should I just go ahead and order them from Parks. It's one of those things that I just have to have.



Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Hczone6...the variegated one you show looks like 'Harelequin' which doesn't grow as large as some of the others. It's my favorite. There are also some very nice compact types in pink, white, red and blue. I prefer the smaller ones, don't look so messy.

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh you're right. This thing is tiny in my area. The larger types would smother this one. I'd say it got no more than 2 feet tall last year. I do need to find a better location for it though. It's in super thick clay and would do better in nice soil.

The other ones I have are like this monster (on the east wall of my house)...

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh that's beautiful! And I know what you mean...I had one on the side of my house, kept getting nasty notes from the meter man....LOL ....had to take it out! I think I'll get a white one, they're so pretty! The spec for 'Harlequin' is 5 x 6 according to Monrovia. Here's a link...shows the smaller ones...I think I'll pick up a 'Petite Snow' for my yard! :~D

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

It probably would get that big here (5x6), but I think the clay is sort of stunting it's growth. Only tough plants like rudbeckia grow really well in the thickest clay I have. I swear rudbeckia would grow in concrete! :) I'll need to move it and put it in better soil.

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