Leonotis Leonurus (Lions Tail)

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hmm, seems like I posted this already.

K, Is this a good bed for them?

Full sun -

I started the bed today-
Decided to change from where we tried it last year. (didnt sprout)

I mixed up alot of coffee grounds and potatoe/apple skins, tea grounds... some rotting leaves. The usual stuff. Will this get the Leos to grow? We didnt even have one last year. :( And I planted a gob of seeds.
I won't be planting them `til it stays warm outside. Thanks guys! :-D

I've read people make tea out of it to treat bronchitis (S/P?) and other ailments. Anyone here tried it? Know anything about it- like can it kill you, LOL. If so it doesnt need to go in my medicinal garden. So far I'm only planting commonly used herbs that have alot of study backing them.

Thanks guys!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey you! I have not been able to get my hands on some Leo leo seeds and if you have them, I think you should share! LOL

Seriously, I start Leo nep seeds every year but I start them inside then plant them out. I grow mine in full sun and in ordinary dirt or soil that has had some MG soil or potting soil or top soil added. Honestly I have not seen a difference. Tropicman said his got to like ten feet or more last year. You may want to ask his secrets. :)

Anyway, if you get them going, they should be a nice perennial or at least deciduous plant for you I would think.

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

!!! 10 ft!!! Oh gosh, LOL.

BS- I only have a few left- if you don't mind sending a SASE for about 25 seeds then I'll be happy to share. I planted most of them hehe. They are already up and growing!!! (I'll toss in some other seeds to make it worth the postage, lol)
If you do, please remember to include your DG name, cause I only have about 2 brain cells to spare, LOL.

These are marked Lenorus nepetifolia- not sure if these are the same as the Leonotus leonurus or not though. I planted all the Leonurus, hehe. When they bloom I'll send you seeds of those too!

Perrenial? They will bloom...this year or next? I forget the difference between Perrenials and Annuals. :-/ hehe

Gotta go- be back a bit later.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I had to find you to find this thread again. I couldn't remember where I left it! LOL

I have L. nepetifolia so you can keep them. And thanks!! Oh and 25 is NOT a few seeds. :)

An annual lives out it's life cycle in one year/season. Save seeds or cuttings or kiss it goodbye. I guess since you are in zone 9, that annual thing is not all that important. Perennials (to put it most simply) come back year after year and can take winters.

Oh, L. leonurus gets a larger flower and has shorter leaves. L. nepetifolia has more straplike leaves and more narrow flowers. That is the quickest version. hahaha

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Ohh thank you BS!

K, so now I need to find some Leonurus too! LOL

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