CLOSED: stink bugs?

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

I found these guys all over my dahlias.

Thumbnail by Tim

Ewww I hate those. They remind me of pelligrimites (sp?) that are pond creatures.

I have always called the insect pictured above a stink bug.


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I had heard of them before but never knew what they looked like. Do they really stink?

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

oh do they stink!! everytime I water the plants I have to put up with the smell!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep, "Stinkbugamus Yuckyuckamus" (Latin name) But I've only smelled them when they are crushed. HOWEVER, if you look closely at the lower left hand pic that one looks to me like a Spined Soldier Bug...notice in the upper pics the stink bugs body is a bit elongated and has no shoulders? Now look at the bug in the lower left pic...notice it has very sharp "points" or "spines" on its shoulders? Also its rear end is more rounded. They are actually beneficial bugs. (Course now, am sitting here w/only one good eye, and it may be the angle of the pic that is throwing me!) Does anyone else see it?

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)


You mean the lower left is not a baby? I'll go look for one to take better pic of it when the rain stop.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

No Tim...but the lower right one looks like a nymph.

Spring, TX(Zone 8a)

I had my former entomology prof take a look at these, because I have those nasty top buggers in my garden. Here's what he said:

The top two pictures are of Leaf-footed Bugs (Family Coreidae), apparently the "Florida Leaf-footed Bug" (Acanthocephala femorata (Fabricius)). This species typically lives in meadows, unmowed ground, and adjacent areas, feeding on plant juices. When handled, it gives a foul-smelling secretion. Adults fly if they are approached rapidly. Many similar species are widely distributed in the East.

The bottom two pictures are of Stink Bugs (Family Pentatomidae), as you said. However, the photographs do not provide enough detail for me to be able to guess these species.

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank You ztasusan!

Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Well darn! Sorry I'm late to take a look, Horseshoe. Phooey! Let me go find some good descriptions of stink bugs and soldier bugs. Sometimes it is _very_ hard to tell the difference.


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