Making seed on paph flower?! Help

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know to pollinate a paph flower? You'll have to use simple words or point me towards a pic b/c I don't know the parts to an orchid flower.

Will one flower be sufficient to pollinate it's self or do I need another one? What would I get with:
Is this cross even possible???

I'd really like to do this b/c one growth makes one flower so I might as well put it towards good use and it'd be fun to make some orchid flasks. So if anyone can point me towards a website that sells flasking material, I'd appreciate it also.

And, how long do paph blooms in a low humidity enviroment last?


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

The cross is certainly possible. The media used for paphs is different than that used for other epiphytic orchids, so look into this. I think they use Knudsen-C media for paphs (its been a while since I looked into this). The pollinia is located to either side of the pouch opening. The stigmatic surface is located behind the flat plate located at the back-middle of the pouch. To do the job properly, you need to remove the pouch from the flower that will be the pod parent. The pollinia is sticky so shouls stick to a toothpick. Gather the pollen from the pollen parent. Remove the pouch from the pod parent. The stigmatic surface is quite smooth and waxy. Smear the pollen over this surface. If successful, the remaining petals of the pod parent will fade within a few days and the pod will start to lengthen. The seeds will not be ready for several months. Good-luck!

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Sounds a bit complicated, maybe I'll try it another time. Sigh.

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

LOL give it a try , pollinating is very easy. What is complicated is germinating the seeds thereafter.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I'll do it another time. I just want to enjoy this flower, I've never had a paph orchid before. But I'm already a little bored with it. I've never been a fan of the albas... I wonder if this classifies as an alba, it's cream and green.

Maybe I'll do it after the other paph orchid blooms and I'll cross em.

Which one should I have as the parent plant? I'm thinking the maudiae because the raisin pie has alot of color, which would bring a pink flush to the maudiae. I can't see what the maudiae could contribute to the raisin pie.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

A cream and green Maudiae is indeed an alba form. I don't know a lot about ppah genetics so I don't know what would happen if you crossed an alba to a vinicolor. Albas are generally recessive, so the offspring would probably be coloratums with a few vinicolors. The flower shape could be quite good and not unlike your Rainsin Pie since I think that hybrid contains Maudiae somewhere in its past.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Todd, I am not at all sure what coloratum and vinicolor means! Explain please! How do you know so much about orchids anyways?!

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My knowledge comes from lots of reading!

here are links to show you the different colour forms of maudiae-type hybrids. The first is a vinicolor, the second a coloratum, the third an alba.'Four%20for%20Sure'%20x%20Memoria%20Robert%20Ward%20'Rainbow')%20copy.JPG

Vinicolors are simply wine-soaked colours..the red and burgndy are more pronounced than normal, like your Raisin Pie hybrid. Coloratums are the 'normal' colour forms. Albas are the green and white forms which I know are recessive when it comes to hybridizing.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Well I see the links did not work. Lets try this approach. Click below, then check out the first three links on the page. The first is a pic of a vinicolor, the second a coloratum and the third an alba. Incidentally, this nursery is where I bought most of my orchids.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

That cleared it right up!

I hope I'll get light flowers with a blush and maybe some of the spotting will carry over. I know the Maudiae has a little bit of spotting on those two... dorsal petals???? but they're very light and the Raisan Pie are very dark.

Any way, I should get a good variety! And it'll be interesting!

I'm getting really nervous thinking about the flasking part. I don't know or understand chemicals.... I did a search on the medium you said and couldn't really find sources. Do you know of any companies that sell or places to look for kits or set up flasks?

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