What do you think?

Box Springs, GA

I sketched these pictures,and wanted to know if they were accurate.Please let me know.I'll post them on the next post,if I can do it right!They may not scan right,though.


Thumbnail by brandnewgirl133
Box Springs, GA

I'll post more later:O)

Coral Springs, FL(Zone 10b)

no image appears...are you trying to post botanical sketches?

The skunk cabbage with which I am familiar looks more as if praying hands are together at the palms and slightly opened up by the fingers and enveloping a stocky cattail. The leaves surrounding the flower are considerably thicker and wider for lack of better terms. Gosh, I hope this helps. Are you in a position to pick up a book at the library that would have a photo from which you could make your sketch?

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