Morning Glory & Four O'clocks

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

My mom grew both of these when I was a kid & I was wondering - are 4 o'clocks vines also & do they just open at 4 o'clock. Are Morning Glories open all day? Just a couple questions.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I can tell you that 4 o'clocks are not vines, but bushes. They form tubers that for my area do not die in the winter, but come back bigger & stronger every year to make my life miserable. LOL
You should not have that problem, a friend of mine is in zone 5 & hers die out completely each year. Lucky duck!
As for the time they open, someone else will have to answer that because I really do not notice.

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

Ok, thanks. I was a kid & really didn't pay much attention, just remember that they were pretty, but it seems like the 4 o'clocks opened in the afternoon.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

yes the four o clocks open later in the day and close usually by mid morning the following day. down here they do die off to the ground but come back every year from the tubers. they are also good japenese bettle control as its poison to them. remeber every flower produces a seed so thats why people hate them so which most seeds germinate. i love them so i just let them do their thing.

morning glories usually dont stay open all day unless its really clouded over.

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

My 2 cents worth is that I love 4 o'clocks and plant some every year. I also have the tubors from 2 plants that I replant.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I love both of these plants!!

My 4 'oclocks are an hour behind as they don't open til 5 or 6- LOL!!
In cooler weather or on cloudy days my HB MG stays open all day.

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks, I really appreciate all your info.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

It seems to me that the Pearly Gates morning glory stays open the longest. It may be because mine do not start blooming until later in the season and by then the mornings remain on the cool side longer, which helps them to stay open.
If I want to get the most of the fragrance of the four o clocks I have to get up early before the hotter sun seems to make them odor free. I know I look kind of stupid but I go out each morning and smell my four o clocks . It is such a pretty fragrance.

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info about the fragrant 4 o'clocks. Are Morning Glories fragrant? I know that a lot of the roses aren't fragrant anymore. Have to get the older varities if you want a good rose smell to them.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

One morning I swear I got this faint scent for the Pearly gates. It was kind of like a weak petunia smell. It was a cool morning and there was no wind. I think sun and wind sort of deplete any fragrance pretty quickly.
I never got any kind of scent from any of the other types, though.

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

thanks for the info Windy. I'll have to see if I can find Peraly Gates.

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