7,000 trees to be axed today!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

This was the headline in our paper this AM. Citrus Canker was spread by the hurricanes into Indian River County which is famous for it's citrus.

The have to cut and burn not only the infected trees in the 30 acre grove, but cut a 1,900 foot radius around the infected trees.

When they started the cutting in Miami, I lost my backyard citrus. It's like watching an old friend die.

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh that is so sad. I have memories of traveling to the Orlando area in the early 70's and driving through miles and miles of citrus groves. Of course, now Disney Property has taken over much of what used to be citrus groves.


Windermere, FL(Zone 9b)

My heart goes out to everyone who has lost their citrus. My husband thinks it's only time until we loose ours. We live in west Orange County, Florida on an old citrus grove. We've probably got a dozen or so mature orange trees of different varieties. So far the canker hasn't hit our immediate area, but I was on the phone with my friend the other day who lives in a different part of the city and while we were talking the men came to cut down her trees. To the best of our knowledge her trees weren't infected, but they found it in her neighborhood, so all trees in the development are being cut down. We cried. Margaret

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh veggie, I can cry with you. It broke my heart to loose mine. I can only advise you that IF they have to take yours, don't watch. It's just too cruel.

Windermere, FL(Zone 9b)

Pati, you're right. We had to have a huge, beautiful oak tree cut down from the front of our house after hurricane Jeanne and my daughter and I cried the whole eight hours that it took them to take it down. Margaret

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