The Gardener's Creed

Forgive me, I couldn't resist. I saved this to my hard drive a long time ago. I can recite my Visa # can you? Speaking of which, I just found a nice price on a few blue flag iris I can order for spring.


I want it.
I want it all.
I want it now.
If it will not grow in my zone or is prohibitively expensive, I want it most of all.
I am perfectly willing to forego any necessities
of life such as food for my children in order to have it.
I recognize my horticultural dependency.
I recognize your horticultural dependency.
I will willingly aid and abet your dependency, as you will mine.
This makes us infinitely happy.
All money saved by virtue of comparison shopping equals found money and therefore
it is not counted as spending.
If everyone else has it, I must have it too.
If I have planted everything that I have already purchased, I must immediately buy more plants.
At this point, it is customary to recite your Visa number from memory.

Author Unknown

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I love it! It cracked me up. And explains a lot about you. You sure have a lot of prohibitively stuff to want. And what did you have for dinner? Noxious weeds? Well, at least the county would be happy.

And if I had the energy you had I'd be all over the place like you. Hmmmm. More Iris, More annuals, more Daylilies - and well you know we can want the Daylilies that are $500.00, and the Iris that are $50.00. To heck with seed. I'll buy it at the nursery already blooming. I want peonies and lilacs to grow here - and Viburnum. You'll laugh, but I'd like to have a little more room in my garden. I think that I'll put a big Iris bed in where my Japanese Black Pine is suffering.

I'll pay for labor and have a huge load of topsoil brought in, tilled, and mulched. Oh and more beautiful great big rocks.

You can have more and more and more ponds! And all of your land problems corrected tomorrow by somebody else.

I know that I'm just beginning but it's a fun start. Unfortunately I do know my Visa number from memory, and even the little three digit code they put on the bed, but the devil is my paypal account!

Thanks for the giggle.

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Ya'll are nuts!! As I roll on the floor laughing til my eyes are dripping!
I am definitely in wonderful, empathetic company!

Copy and paste...actions to both your postings!

And Paypal remembers my Visa so I don't have to! All I have to remember is just because I have an account, doesn't mean it has any money! lol

Say whaaaaaat? A daylily that costs $500! I had no idea such a daylily existed. Must admit I have seen a few iris for over $50 though.

I could not own a daylily that was $500. With my luck a kid would pick it and bring it in and stick it in a vase.

As far as more ponds... I am thinking ... maybe just one more. I could tuck it in over in the back yard. And then there is this other really neat spot...

Now about PayPal, you are limiting yourself here my dear. Not everyone accepts PayPal! Get with the program! Memorize that Visa and those 3 little numbers on the back by your signature and the world will be yours!

This Creed was sent to me in an e-mail from my girlfriend who is a psychiatrist. She gardens. Does this say it all?

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Equilibrium, if you are willing to wait until I thaw out sometime in April or May, I will let you have all the Blue Flag you wish.


Hi Maxine, last winter I germinated an entire flat and an entire tray of Blue Flags. I got a germination rate of darn near 100% in the tray and over 80% in the flat. I gave many to friends. Matter of fact I did so well that I thought nothing of giving the ones I had set aside for myself to a neighbor because I figured I'd germinate from seed again this year. One problem, I forgot to gather the seed and didn't germinate any. Yes, I know... dumb! Of course I can wait for your blue flags! Matter of fact... I have a PayPal account and can send you shipping and handling or whatever! Thank you... now here's the problem- I have to remember your kind offer 4-5 months from now. Does anyone have a Gardener's poem about remembering anything of importance?

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I wrote it down for spring. We can do a trade or you can pay for shipping.

Doesn't matter to me. If postage, pay after you get it.


Thank you so much. If you have wetlands by you, I have an assortment of wetlands species indigenous to the Midwest otherwise I will gladly pay. Thank you so so so much for offering!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah, equal, you haven't lived yet until you've stumbled on a website where all the daylilies are over $100.00! somebody must buy them. I agree with you. It would be eaten by something for sure. I have to admit, I paid $35.00 for a bearded once. I don't know what I was smoking. I'm very proud of myself - haven't bought any nursery materials in a couple of months now. But I'm spending thousands in my lists of next year's iris buying. I'm excited, but the list is going to have to come down about 90%. That Japanese Black Pine will have to go while it's still little so I can have more room. (It's on the left). Don't know what I was thinking, They can get 30 feet. Maybe some reblooming Dayliles in front of them.

Thumbnail by doss

If I stumbled on a website that had daylilies for anything more than $15 a piece I would immediately exit. No sense tempting myself. The majority of what I am looking for is in my price bracket so it's not a big deal. I am still looking for Window Dressing. Home Depot actually had that last year for $10 a gallon. Gotta love HD!

Yes, the placement of that pine does looks as if you got into some whacky tobaccy but don't fret... my entire property was looking as if me and every friend, relative, and co worker got into an entire field of the stuff.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Window Dressing is a Daylily?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Found Window dressing on ebay. They are taking orders now for spring. $5.99 for each double fan.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Found window dressing at marietta gardens. They like it to, rating it Outstanding. It's $8.00 for a double fan. Might be a more reliable source. They say to order now for shipping in spring. And if you look in new introductions you'll see a few mighty highly priced daylilies! Fun sight to browse.

Rats, I just found Winter Frost $16, White Temptation $7, White Tie $6, and my Window Dressing at $8,

And this $40 one called Robert's Rhapsody. And then there was Morning Moon for $25. Kunzite for $4, the ever classic Joan Senior for $6, the Heaven All Day for $35, Gentle Shepherd for $18, Faith Hope Charity for $8, Frosted Windows for $50, Early Snow for $25.

Oh man... you just contributed to the delinquency of a minor. I am going to have to add one of those Early Snows as well as one of those Winter Frosts and well then I suppose I'll have to blow off getting my Window Dressing this year. Oh well!

I saw daylilies for well over $100 at that site. Pass the defibrillator please!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Now you didn't mention a single daylily above $100.00!!!!! What kind of drooling at the window is that! Nice site, huh? You do like white daylilies, don't you?

I'm loving the yellow and red ones. Flamboyant R us.

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Hemhead stealing the thread!....but Window Dressing on the ebay auction you mentioned is from edaylilies, who is John Falck. He also sells on Lily Auction as Jb. He sends big beautiful plants, just in case you are considering bidding! Go ahead..go for it! You know you want it! lol

Oh my word! Is this where everyone who has plant oc disorder gets together and helps out poor penniless little old me!

I will be broke with friends like you all!

And my dear Doss, I was drooling when I tossed in the daylily for Frosted Window at $50 which I will not be ordering and Winter Frost and Early Snow are already a stretch. There is no way I could spend $50 for one day lily right about now! I tossed it in because I liked it and since I got lost in that site looking at each and every day lily for a few hours, I figured I'd write down the name of it just in case it went up on eBay some time for super dooper sale. You never know and one must be prepared!

By the way, if I can't have a shade garden in my not so secret location now that all the shade is gone... who says I can't have a moon garden and plant whites and silvers? When life tosses lemons, make lemonaid! These white day lilies would go into that area. I also ordered a White Fringe Tree for in the same area. Still working on more plant material for that area but will have to start out slow and add as funds allow.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I checked out Frosted Window and Early Snow and I can see why you'd write them down. And white gardens are really lovely. And you have the space to put one in, you lucky thing! (I know, it comes with a huge price!) How about those huge 6' white lilies? I can't remember the name of them now. Will do better next time.

I'm just laughing at my own sense of color, which is throw in everything everywhere - the same as I do plants.. I don't have many white flowers. Maybe a few Beardeds, oh and camellias. And how about a white Dahlia?

Thumbnail by doss

The only color I really steer clear of is orange and then probably reds over here. I find them to be agitating in this landscape. They also seem to break up the green too much over here. I like these colors well enough in other people's gardens where there are more of them and where they are splashed here and there and interwoven into the design but for some reason they seem like stage stealers over here. They stick out and make too big of a statement and detract from other areas. This is just personal preference as who knows, maybe 20 years from now I will go and break up the monotony and plant reds with wild abandon. I still don't care for the color orange and can honestly say, the only orange over here will be pumpkins at Halloween time.

He he... most people don't go with whites which is a good thing for me as they go on sale sooner then other colors!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I do love white flower gardens - with texture and shape coming from variegated plants, etc.
Thanks for stealing the thread. I almost didn't mention the ebay dealer because, well, who knows. And they are all "Buy it now" so you don't have to bid. Just go to the site and click the buy it now button - Paypal here we come. But if you're not aware of ebay, once you click the buy it now button, you have purchased what you said you would and there is almost always no going back.

In terms of color, I'm afraid that I'm not that disciplined. I don't know that I've ever bought more than 5 of one thing - except for the camellias on the back walk. I'm just greedy!

I do love white flower gardens. There is so much opportunity there to play with foliage -color, texture, etc. I have trouble with white flowers spotting - particularly the camellias. Roses do Ok tho.

You do have vast places and I can see why bright colors would stick out like a sore thumb. I do wish that I had a picture of my perinneal garden before it got run over by a truck. It's slowly getting built up again though. I've posted this picture before, but it's a mild version of my love for color run amuck. But I can see that there are natural places for the color to break here and you have to be more careful - that is until we get in that garden structure with the larger trees etc. that will let you have niches to play with! Tee Hee

Thumbnail by doss

I sent you tons of photos so you could play away! Did you receive them? Waiting to send more so I don't blast your server.

See, now I like that filled in look you created in that photo. That's how I want everything to look over here by the year 2020!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

This is a fairly steep slope - and you're not going to do white flowers everywhere! You don't really even need a lot of hardscape holding back the slope if you've got the right plants holding it down. You may need some of the cloth that they use to hold in slopes that you can plant through. They use it on the freeways here all the time. I've not been to my email this AM. I'll get there probably this afternoon.

I believe I am familiar with the product. It is a geotextile and they are readily available.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just wanted to mention that the "colorful" photo does not have a defined edging. On one side is a dry creekbed, more plants and a lawn. On the other is an asphalt sidewalk that the plants spill onto. This is on the other side of the creekbed looking upward toward the lawn. I like the look of the plain ground under the Japanese Maple here. Somehow in all the chaos, it's restful to me.

Thumbnail by doss

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