
Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

This dendrobium is blooming today. The tag says it's Den. Sirirattana x D. Chaopraya 'James'. Hopefully that's correct.

Thumbnail by nightowl2
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

It probably is...both Dendrobium parents do exist..both are Thailand created hybrids. The Chaopraya is classified as 'blue'! (much like the 'blue' roses)

It's beautiful Sandy.

Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

Thanks. The reason that I wasn't sure about the tag is because they tend to get lost or put in the wrong pot a bit around here when my dad repots things. I'm afraid the plant doesn't look as good as the flowers. Only one cane has any leaves on it. For some reason the dendrobiums haven't done that well the last year or two. I wonder if it's because the solarium is a bit too cool for them in the winter.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Beautiful flowers!

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

The evergreen cane dendrobiums ( as your hybrid) do prefer more heat than other dendrobiums. many are indeed deciduous, blooming on the bare stems. Your type prefer winter temps not to drop below 18 C. Maybe move them inside the house for the colder months and move them back to the solarium in March.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Todd - I'm a dope...What is 18C in Farenheit?

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

65 F

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you! I think that could explain why mine isn't doing anything. Guess I'll move it upstairs. Do you have any idea if it would prefer morning sun or afternoon? The morning sun is quite bright and that side of the room is warmer. The afternoon light is a bit more filtered.

Thanks for your help Todd, again!

Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

Oh dear, I guess I'll have to try to find a place inside for them. We keep the thermostat in the solarium at 14 C, otherwise I think it would cost an arm and a leg to heat it. Thanks for the information Todd.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Sequee, the evergreen cane dendrobiums require a south window in Newfoundland if they have any chance of blooming. If your east window is unobstructed compared to the west, then go for the east.

nightowl, I used to have a similar dendrobium and where it was growing, the winter temps often dropped to was not impressed (the Odontoglossum hybrids thrive). I moved it to a warmer room with the phals and paphs and it grew much better (16 C night) but did not get enough sun in the east window to bloom. It is now compost!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you for your info. She's on her way up as we "speak". At this point I'm just hoping she will live and grow strong - we will worry about flowering once we have conquered step 1!

Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

I used to have more of the phalaenopsis type dendrobiums but only have a couple left. That's the trouble with bringing them in the house, it might be a bit warmer but they just won't get the light that they can get in the solarium. The nobile type of dendrobiums are growing like crazy. Obviously the temperatures are perfect for them. Unfortunately the mealy bugs love them.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Aaahhhhh! Don't talk about mealy bugs....they are my bane, along with hard scale. I have orchids in three areas of the house. One room has hard scale, one room mealy bugs and so far, the other room is clean, but for how long?

Campbell River, BC(Zone 8a)

I'm glad I'm not the only one. It seems like if it's not one kind of bug it's another.

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