8-Jan-2005 How is everyone doing?

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Onwards - on leaflady's 3 month challenge!

Not bad - down three pounds for the week. Of course this is the honeymoon stage of the diet.

For the upcoming 3 months - my goal is 14 pounds *egads*

So, I am down: 3 of 14 (21%), much more hydrated so I know much of this isn't just water.

Anyone who wants to set a goal and post progress towards the goal, I'm happy to compile and send a chart to participants. Note - this is an entirely optional invite for people who want to set a numeric goal. Entirely, entirely optional since I know most of the folks seems to have more generic goals and didn't set numbers.

If so, please send me:

1) Goal (in pounds - don't send weight)
2) Date started (poking pebble - you ready yet??)
2) Progress to date (what's great here - even if there are people who start late, they can set modest goals and do great)
3) Your email address

This is not a substitute for posts, just a friendly chart for those who are interested.

What went well this week for me!

+ Water, water, water -- I tried something new that worked VERY well. I have a 1.5 litre bottle of water that I fill up in the morning and keep at my desk and it's gone by evening - and I even add a bit during the day. No extra effort to drink it, but since it was there - was easy to take a few gulps during conference calls, at lunch, etc. -- so, having a very large bottle helped me. (just hope the jantorial staff doesn't throw it out)
+ Increased protein - tuna salad and chef salad every day
+ Vitamins
+ Psyllium

What didn't go well this week
- Did not go to the gym - feels almost like a mental block.....I'll fight that one this week. Unfortunately have to travel Thur and Fri - so won't be able to access the gym those days, but maybe Sun - Wed. Wish me luck!
- Snacking a bit at home in the evenings - but, not completely out of control

How's everyone else doing?

This message was edited Jan 8, 2005 9:01 PM

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