Orchid Fertilizer on other plants?

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Does anyone have any thoughts on using orchid fertilizer on Bougainvillea or trees like ficus or serressia? I was thinking of trying this out: http://www.wormsway.com/detail.asp?sku=OUF400

The bloom formumal is 6:30:30, grow is 30:10:10, Urea free is 20:10:20. I was considering this because of the high numbers, is this a good idea?



DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I don't have much experience with the plants you mention, but I do use those fertilizers on everything. (By the way, those are all urea-free, I think.) There is nothing inherently different about orchid and non-orchid ferts. Orchid ferts tend to be in higher concentrations, but you would have to dilute them for use with plants that prefer a weaker rate of feeding. Only use higher strength on plants that need lots of fert., and then only when appropriate (growing season etc.) Any plant that is susceptible to fertilizer burn should be given much much less. Use whatever formulation is closest to the recommended one for the plant. For eg., I've seen some recommend a 3:1:2 ratio for ficus. That's the same as 30:10:20 but at a far more dilute strength. Bougainvillea, if I remember correctly, likes a balanced fert - prob. slightly weaker solution of 20:20:20. Watch the trace mineral needs of your plants as well.

Well, that was rather non-informative, but I hope it helped some.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks, that was actually quite informative :-)
I thought that was probably what the Bougs needed, about 20-20-20.

I guess want to make sure that whatever is in the orchid formula won't harm other plants, it's just the same stuff in a different concentration--Does that sound right?

Thanks again,


DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

yep, that's right.

In addition, all fertilizers are slightly different in the other stuff they include. Some have urea, others do not. Some have trace elements of other things (common is a cal-mag addition) - things that plants need. For orchids, some of these are especially important because some orchid growers use RO water which has no trace minerals. Also, urea can inhibit absorption of nitrogen (I think I have this right - at any rate, there is a benefit to having no urea, although even this is disputed).

I don't grow bougs, but I saw some site recommend 15-15-15. You might want to google for info.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)


I appreciate your responses, you helped alot!


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