Can Orchid Bloom Now

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok I have been on a few sites and most of them are AV or house plants well here I have an orchid and I think that it is going to or does have buds WOW Around Deer Season (When all the orange boys come up ) I took as walk in the woods and found some fresh Moss on a tree I picked it and put it on the top of the plant and now I have buds can you use the moss on other plants ? Boy if this works I might have to get a house just for all the plants I have. Ok here is a picture of what it looks like I am really happy but have no idea what I am doing. But this Moss looks like it is getting old and I wonder If I could fine more fresh if it will really start to grow(lol) last time I heard though we had 80 feet of snow some have gone into the ground but that was at christmass
Ps If I can I will send a picture of the snow

Thumbnail by Dimmer
Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

your picture is dated Jan 1, 2002 ?? hmm

I don't think, the moss you found in the woods had anything to do with your Phal spiking again. It simply is the season for it...I would not use it on my Orchids.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Dimmer... Looks like you've got a bloom on a new spike off the original. You can probably cut off the older part about 1-2 inches above the new spike. Phals will do this. About the moss, I usually use long spagnum that I get at home depot or lowes, for phals. You don't want to repot while its in flower though. What do the leaves look like? Is Negaunee in the UP? I lived in Houghton once upon a time a long time ago. Saw your snow pic, looks normal for this time of year.

( Kim) Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Well My leaves look great and I think the top one is growing also do you think I should still cut it? Negaunee Is right next to Marquette Mi. And it is cold out today I don't know about this moss I have it on other things But I did get this Orchid Last winter and it was in Bloom and nothing happen until I put that moss on for a while I thought I killed it will lets see what happen

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

If it looks like its still growing, don't cut it. If its getting brown or drying out, cut it. Sometimes they will put out new buds on the tip of the old spike. If it bloomed last winter, then this is its normal bloom time.

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