Help! Need remedy for eggs on Veggies

Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

I have an organic garden of veggies and up until now I have not had any issues. But now under my cabbage and some starting on my greens are these little greenish white egges that are all over the place. They are spreading quickly. What in the heck do I do? I am eating this stuff and do not want to use chemiclas. They seem to like the innards of the plants and the undersides where its moist. I can take a pic if no one can figure out what I am talking about. Thanks in advance.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

It would help a whole lot Moon if you could put up a couple of pics. Loved your pics and step by step of building a hoop house. Good job!

Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

Not a problem, I will take a photo tonight and send it up. Thanks for the reply.


Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

Ok here is the pic, I see now that the green ones are little bugs and the others look like eggs? Take a look and let me know! Thanks!


Thumbnail by Moonblink
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

It looks to me like an infestation of the tiny slugs like we get by the thousands each season. They love the cabbage family amonst others plants. I spray them with household ammonia. That kills them and fertilizes the plants too. If that isn't what it is, a good hot pepper, soap and water with just a touch of salad oil in it will do in most other insects.

Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey Leaf, I just sprayed the plants with your concoction. I hope it works! I dont think they are slugs cuz some of them have legs and some have wings. But I used 5 hot bird peppers, put them in a blender with water, liquified it, added some simple green, about a capful, then some olive oil. Mixed it up and boy was that a nose burner, it would make me cough and stuff, wow! I strained it into my sprayer (which if you dont it will clog, that was my first attempt) and added more water. Sprayed out like a charm and it looked like they were running for the hills. We hope. Thanks again, I will let you know of the progress.


Naples, FL(Zone 10a)

OK I have tried the mixture two separate times and its not really working, I have determined what they are...Gnats! ANd there are millions of them now. Does anyone have any other suggestions! Thanks

Josephine, Arlington, TX(Zone 8a)

Hello Moonblink, they look like white flyes to me. These are very common on
cabbage family plants.
The best thing I have found is to remove the infected leaves and wash the plant with a good stream of water afterwards.
Keep checking your plants daily and keep washing them, the white flyes will get discoraged and leave.
Also be sure to dispose of your infected leaves in some other way than your compost, like may be sealed in a bag and put in with your garbage.
Sincerely, Josephine

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Try adding garlic to your hot pepper concoction, that may do the trick. Lettuce know LOL

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