Bought Paphs today! Leaves?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I just bought some paphs today from Trader Joes, which are in high bud. I kept asking my mom (who goes there frequently) why she neglected to tell me that they sell them there!!!!!!! Good thing I caught that info on one of the threads here and checked them out.

Anyways, my question is, one or two leaves on each plant is shriveled and brown. Some other leaves look like they have a reddish, brown tinge in places. Did I just buy diseased orchids? What is it? I would take a picture, but I keep forgetting to buy a new digital camera.

I just touched the moss on top and pushed it aside to feel the soil, and both are a little on the dry side. Would it brown from stress? And, is it a good idea to keep that layer of moss? I'm afraid it might rot the leaves b/c it's in contact with them. AND, should I remove the all browned leaves?

You might be asking yourself why I would buy seemingly unhealthy orchids if I saw all this but they were only $9.99!!!!!

This message was edited Jan 4, 2005 6:20 PM

Piedmont, MO(Zone 6a)

Michelle, I think your orchids are going to be okay. I have several paphs and it is normal for the older leaves to gradually and occasionally yellow/brown and shrivel. They can be removed. If this is happening to new leaves, you have a problem. I keep my paphs much moister than other orchids (that have pseudobulbs). I use a bit of peat moss and timed release fertilizer in the orchid potting soil...paphiopedilums are terrestrial orchids and want a medium that is not as coarse as what I use with epiphytes. However, don't use regular potting soil...that is way too fine. Like most plants, they will need less water in winter than in summer.
I would also remove the sphagnum moss. I think all orchids benefit from good air circulation. It was probably placed there to conserve moisture while being marketed, and for cosmetic reasons.
Your paphs should be happy in an East window, mine are. I put them outside for the summer. Some bloom almost continuously while others don't. I have one that has never bloomed yet!
Good luck,

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