Tree Seedling advice please

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)


I have 3 maple seedlings I dug up this summer growing in pots in a terrarium. They grow extremely slow, in fact they only grow when I put fertilizer on them, and then the growth seems "leggy." I put them in the terrarium for humidity.

I got a bonus seedling when an acorn I left on the soil of one of the pots sprouted :)

They are now in the terrarium under a home depot grow light. I also have a wormsway fluorescent grow light, not compact or high output, that I grow bougainvilleas under.

Should I move my seedlings from the terrarium to the fluorescent light? It will be waaay less humid out of the terrarium.



La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

You didn't mention what kind of maple seedlings you have. Legginess in plants growing under lights means they aren't getting enough light. Moving the lights closer to the seedlings would help. Except for some fine leafed Japanese maples, maples and oaks need full sunlight. They also quickly out grow the pot. Moving the terrarium in front of an east facing window would help. You could also place ther terrarium near a south facing window just out of direct sunlight.

The seedlings probably need fertilizer on a regular basis. I like to water my indoor plants with a 1/4 strength solution of fertilizer every time I water. Every forth or fifth time I water, I leach the soil to get rid of excess minerals.

If you plan to plant the seedlings in your yard, you may want to pot on to a bigger size to avoid roots that wind around the pot. This could girdle the trees later.

Hope this helps,

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi Bettydee,

Wow that helps alot! I think they may be trident maples, they are the progeny of a tree in our front yard. I'm not real sure however, and I don't have a digital camera right now :(

Your advice helps me alot. They are in pots bigger than they need now, but I will try the fertilizer routine.

thanks much,


Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Another suggestion: get them out of the terrarium NOW. They need air circulation, perhaps even a small oscillating fan for a hour or so each day, to help them stiffen up. Every warm St. Louis day this winter, set the pots outside in a bright area exposed to mild breezes. You are growing them under "life-support" conditions right now, and they will not be able to adjust to life in the real (outdoor) world this spring unless you begin to harden them off.

Guy S.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree with Guy. I grow all of my maple seedlings out doors in a sheltered but well lit area on my deck/patio. In winter I have several pots of 'sticks', but come Spring they leaf out and grow just fine.
I would think the same would hold true for your oak as well.


St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

I agree with you all. I took my seedlings out of the terrium shortly after I posted this question. I also got a small fan that I turn on occasionally to expose them to a "breeze."

Next winter I plan to let them go through dormancy, I have read that not letting trees like maples have a dormancy period can cause them to die suddenly later on.

Thanks for the advice, it makes perfect sense! I learn so much here.

Thanks again,


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