Need your recommendations for an expert

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Aside from our current experts, who would be your top pick for a greenhouse expert to join our forums? Or, who would you most like to be able to ask your toughest greenhouse questions?

The criteria is:

1) Please nominate just one name, along with any contact info you can locate;
2) It should be someone who is not currently a member here;
3) This person should be a familiar name in greenhouse circles (professional designer, avid hobbyist, writer, etc.)
4) Since this person would be a regular participant in our forums, their availability/willingness to participate and their personality (no overblown egos, please!) should also be taken into consideration.

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

The only two people I can think of is John Jeavons and Eliot Coleman - don't know if they are available or interested in helping. Wouldn't hurt to ask (keep in mind they are both HEAVILY into organics)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks Shelley! Being heavily into organics probably wouldn't cause too much problem here (I think most of our members adopt organic approaches when feasible, and understand when organic doesn't work that other methods are viable for most folks.

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

That's my methodology. I used to garden strictly organic until about 10 years ago - just couldn't entirely avoid using synthetic chemicals and still have the quality harvests I wanted. Mine is a balanced approach...only resort to the synthetics when organic methods aren't doing the job. Hope you find an expert for the forum. Would be great to be able to "pick their brain".

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

Eliot Coleman has indeed written many great books on organic farming.
He would be an asset to the organic gardening forum.

After looking at many of his greenhouse designs, I would not consider any of them greenhouses.... more like flimsy structures built for the sole purpose of getting a bumper tomato crop, or keeping a frost off of some lettuce.
If my greenhouses were built like his, they would have been leveled ten hurricanes ago.

of course I'm in love with steel, rebar, and concrete.

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