Yes..we have SNOW in Ohio!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

We had quite a snowstorm here in Ohio yesterday and today! Somewhere between 15-19 inches! And it's drifting now...with high winds! Oh....and only 18 degrees! BTW...I am NW of Dayton, Ohio.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Another view! There is a table and chairs under all that snow!

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh my!!! Now that's some snow! I hope you have plenty of food on hand and don't need to travel anywhere this weekend.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah, I saw Ohio got slammed with snow. Hope y'all were prepared with enough food stuff on hand, Christmas shopping all finished, and heat for the house. I understand some folks are without heat. :(

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We didn't get much snow, but we got ice. We got A LOT of ice. We're without power, but the people across the street from us have it and the school right behind us has it. My mom doesn't have power...Just about the whole east side of town is out. There are lines and trees, and limbs down all over town. The temps are only going lower over the weekend, so the ice isnt going anywhere and we'll probably see more damage from it before it's all through.

My laptop has a charge on it still, and we still have phone service, so I'm dialed up to check in at DG (priorities, you know). We have a power inverter in the van, so we can recharge the laptops. Howie's at work, and they have power...They cancelled second shift, but because he went in early today, he's there. Why they would cancel second shift instead of just close for first shift when the roads were truly terrible, we'll never know!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

P.S. Guess our neighbor Pearl's power went out around Noon today. So much for the folks across the street having power! This ice isn't going anywhere soon.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hope your power gets up soon, GW. We got about 12-18 inches of snow here, still have power. Thank the Lord, no heat would be interesting with Joy. Hope you all can bundle up and stay fairly warm. For us, it's a ton of fun, sledding, eating snow for the first time, etc. Sobering to think of you all with no heat. Prayers for you.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Our power came on around 3:00pm, but I stayed offline because the cable's still out and I didn't want to tie up the line with dial-up. Mom and dad decided to drive into Columbus for "something to do" (!!) this afternoon since their power was off. Their power is still off, but despite our practically begging them to come stay here tonight, they're going to stay home and wait for the power to come back on. STUBBORN people. :X If we power was out and the temps were heading down to around 11 degrees, I'd be over at the first warm accomodations offered!

I'll post pictures in the Photos forum, but here's one from tonight:

This message was edited Dec 23, 2004 10:16 PM

Thumbnail by gardenwife
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm really thankful that we have snow rather than ice! AND..that our power didn't go off too!
Of course..that could still happen..with the low temps expected tomorrow night and Saturday. It seems we are really good at losing power around here.
Yes..we were prepared..with food..fuel, and shopping all finished!
Hubby finally got the driveway cleared...worked all afternoon. Then the snowplow came up the drive.'s clear the end again! Must be 4 ft of snow acrossed there now!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ohhh forgot to say...officially...we got 24...yessssss...24 inches!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I have several brugs, a rose standard, and some plumbagos in my garage, which normally stays between 40 and 50 degrees in winter. If the power doesn't turn on soon, they will be goners. I haven't heard from my neighbors so I am guessing the power isn't on yet. The AEP site says east Columbus probably won't be fully restored until Sunday night. Yikes! This is certainly a Christmas to remember.

What will happen to my computer at such low temperatures? I have everything unplugged so there won't be a problem with a power surge but what if it has to sit for hours at temps in the 20's or 30's?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Cold is not the enemy of computers, heat is. It will be fine. You might want to let it warm up to room temp and make sure there's no condensation inside before powering it up, that's all. It's unlikely there would be any condensation, though.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

what is going on over there now?? has the storm passed? are they flying planes out?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I loved having plumbagos when we lived in Calif. I tried bringing some up to WA last year but they didn't survice the winter outdoors. Now that we have both a sunroom and a greenhouse, I was planning to try them again in pots that I could bring in. So you do yours in the garage, eh? I hadn't thought of that.

I love them, esp the blue ones.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Pebble, see the nightowls thread. I answered your post there with some links. God bless and g'night, everyone! :)

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Gwendalou, I have kept mine in pots since they aren't hardy here. In fall, I bring them into my garage which stays in the 40 - 50 degree range. I keep them in an east window and just barely moist. They have always done fine.

This year they had gotten so big I put the pots in a dark area of the garage hoping they would go dormant. The power is still out at my house and may not come on until Sunday night. Tonight the low will be below zero. Since there has been no heat in my house since late Wednesday I have a feeling my plants and stored bulbs will be/are history. Oh well. I just hope the pipes hold. My brother checked his place a few hours ago and even though all his faucets were left open to drip, a pipe burst and was flooding his place. The pipes weren't frozen; he thinks it was just too cold and a weld broke. What a disaster.

A good friend of mine moved to Langley a few years ago; she lives on April Rd (or Dr or St).

I lived in Washington for many years; in Bellevue, Issaquah and North Bend when they were small bedroom communities. Great gardening but I sure missed the sun.

Merry Christmas, all.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, Merry Christmas! :)

Thumbnail by gardenwife

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