New to orchids...

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ok, new to all things floral! After several years of veggie and herb gardening, I'm branching out this year. I think I've developed a pretty good understanding of Cactus - ignore them and they will be happy! LOL!

What's the story with Orchids? Is there anything special I should know about their winter needs? I have been letting them go almost dry before watering them, and just want to know if there's anything special I should do. Do they need any special fertilizer during the winter to ensure their flowering next season?

Any tips/advice would be gratefully appreciated!

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I allow my orchids to get reasonably dry in the winter...I water about every 8-10 days depending on the amount of sun. I only fertilize every third watering in winter, returning to regular fertilizing come early March when plants start to perk up. I've been growing orchids for 20 years and that seems to work for me. I try to maintain at least 50% humidity which can be tricky with the electric heaters that warm my house in winter.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Thank you. That is a god guidline. Do you think a plastic tent would help with the humidity issue? I have baseboard heating which I think tends to keep things a tad on the dry side.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Orchids need good air circulation. It took orchid growers historically many years to figure that out. Many that were collected and brought to UK were grown in Wardian Cases...essentially mini glass greenhouses. Most of the orchids died. In the wild, warm, damp winds blow over the orchids, helping prevent fungal problems. Professional orchid growers set up fans next to their plants to keep the air moving (I'm not that dedicated!) unless you set up a fan within your plastic tent, then probably better not to bother. Try setting the plants atop plastic trays filled with water. Here's a pic of my set-up. The plants are immediately above an electric heater but the water-filled trays works very well.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Ok - lose the baggie, use the humidity tray!


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