Mealy Bugs How to Deal?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

A few of my plants have mealy bugs and I'm afraid I'll lose them if I don't do something about it soon.

But I'm not sure I understand the problem. I'm reading alot about dabbing them with alcohol but I've also read that they live in the root system, so don't I need to target killing them off in the roots? How do I do this? I looked up one product called Merit but it was 50 some what dollars for a little jar. Is there an afforadable product that I can buy at home depot and not have to order from a specialty store online?

Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Yes there are some mealie species that dwell both on root system and on aerial parts of the plant, others only dwell on one of these plant locations and not the other. Sadly the more common one on our plants (Citrus Mealiebug) dwells in both environments. I gave some treatment recommendations here (just scroll down a bit)

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Egch. It looks as if I have the citrus mealybug. I'm going to go to HD to buy some of that Orthene stuff.

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